Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 6

  "How dare you call Arianna a bitch? Don’t you dare compare yourself with her, Jade.Arianna is nothing like you. What we had before is pure lechery and that’s surely not what’s happening between Aria and me.Now please get the fuck out of my house you before I have you arrested for trespassing." He shouts back at her.1

  She sends a hateful glare my way and I reciprocate it with a sweet smile making her stop and stare at me confused.

  "Why are you smiling, bitch?" She screams.

  "Nothing. I'm just wondering when will Xavier be putting the trash out, it's starting to stink." I reply sweetly.

  She screams, obviously catching the intended insults and charges at me.

  Xavier grabs her before she can get close to me, and pushes her roughly towards the door.

  "Get out! Stay away from us, and if ever I find you causing problems or making shit up like this, Jade I swear I can’t promise what I might be do to you.Just remember all the files on the boob job you had done behind your agencies back. Imagine what their faces be if they ever find out?" Xavier threatens her.

  Jade gaped at him.She’s now looking red trying to control her anger as she marched her way out the house.

  Xavier turns to me and scans me---trying to check if I was happen to be hurt though the wench didn't get anywhere close to me.1

  "Are you okay? I'm so sorry for the trouble, cara.I just to clarify, I was with her five years ago. We happen to be lovers long ago until she betrayed me in the worst way. Now I feel sick just thinking about her. I'm sorry I blurted out how I felt about you too, cara. I wanted to tell you another way, but I'm telling you the truth, I really do love you, Arianna." He didn’t seem to breathe as he explains in shaky voice.

  "I love you too, Xavier. Now that she’s gone, get your ass over here." I demand him.

  He raises an eyebrow, but complies anyway, once he's within grabbing distance, I grab his collar and pull him to me. Grabbing his face, I smash my lips greedily onto his. He responds instantly and picks me up and lifted me upstairs.

  He swiftly locked the door once inside and lays me gently on bed as he strips me down to the last piece of clothing covering me. He began removing his too once finished to mine. But he suddenly stopped and I looked up at me wondering why.

  "Sleep tesoro, we can have our fun later, rest for now." He murmurs softly as he pulls me against his warm, firm chest.

  I realize I was tired. So I didn’t complain and nod at him sleepily, falling asleep to him humming gently to me. I’m just too grateful that he came to notice what I even didn’t realize. He seems to know more about my body than I do.


  Time surely flies so fast whenever you’re enjoying it. Though I still haven't had any luck finding a job. Mel's been great, she keeps me company while Xavier's at work and she's even been letting me have sneak peeks at her new work-in process stories.

  She saw how fascinated I was with the process, and had encouraged me to try something on my own. I'd been hesitant to do so. I mean I haven't write anything at all before so it couldn't be any good, right?

  But her fad in convincing me to do it left me no choice, so for the last two days I'd started writing. I didn't have a title just yet and the only thing I did have was the plot line that I wanted to write about.

  Today though, for some reason I don’t feel like writing. I didn't have much of an appetite when I woke up this morning so I asked Carlos to make me a small fruit salad and went to eat it out beside the pool.

  Xavier's away on a business trip, and I think that must be the reason why I'm feeling this way. It somewhat amazes me how attached I'd become to him in such a short period of time.

  After I ate my light breakfast, I looked at the pool. The water seems inviting. I went up to my room, changed into a blue bikini and decided to take a short swim.

  When I got down there, Mel was already there with another woman and man I didn't recognize. Feeling awkward, I make my way slowly towards them.

  "Hey Aria, this is Amanda and Andre, our cousin's from Italy. They stopped by for a surprise visit. Guys, this is Aria, Xavier's girlfriend." She smiles, happily introducing us.

  "Hi," I reply nervously.

  They both smile at me, and nod in "hello" Amanda seems fascinated with my stomach, and I flush looking down.

  With the bikini I'm wearing the small bump on my lower abdomen can be notice quite clearly.

  "You're pregnant?" Amanda asks, sounding excited.

  "Yeah.Two and a half months now." I reply, smiling at her.

  "Oh, I'm so happy for you both. We've been keeping tabs on you two in the media, and they mentioned you moving in together, just not about the baby. I'm guessing you want to keep it a secret as long as you can, huh?" She asks, grinning widely.

  I slowly took a seat beside them in the pool, droop my legs into the water and nod in response.

  "Yeah, we'd like to keep it a secret for a lil while. The Doctor told us not to let a lot of people know until I'm out of the "danger zone" which is after 12 weeks. I'm 10 weeks now, so not too long now." I reply.

  "Xavier's been driving us both mad, actually. He's extremely excited about the baby and very overprotective of Aria. He didn't even want to go away for this business trip that he had planned for months now. But we finally persuaded him to go. Aria's perfectly safe here." Mel tells them while smiling at me.

  "Yeah I'm fine, just bored to death here. I lost my job around three months ago, and haven't had any luck getting another yet."

  Andre turns to me, and nods.

  "Yes, we saw in the papers about you saving your Boss' life. That was very brave of you Aria, why were you fired though?" He asks me sounding confused.

  "It happen because his son, Alexander took over since my boss, John could no longer work after what had happened.He came to my house right after I was released from hospital and fired me. His excuse was, he already has a PA so he "doesn't need" me any longer. As you can imagine I was pissed off, and still am. John and Margaret were like a family to me." I explain bitterly, it was still a sore subject for me to talk about.

  "I'm sorry for bringing that up, Aria. So you've sent your résumé out? But not had any replies?" he asks me gently and I nod in reply. "That’s very strange, have you thought about how Alexander could have written a bad review about you? He could be the reason you aren't getting anywhere." Andre replied, leaving me stunned by the possibility.

  John and Margaret wouldn't let that happen to me, would they? But then again they've let him fire me. So, why not? Oh God, that bastard better not have done it, or I'll sue his slimy arse for slander.

  I get myself off the pool and started matchingback inside the house, feeling determined to get to the bottom of this. If that low-life has happen to be in anyway involve in this I promise to really rip his fucking head clean off.

  Mel immediately followed her with Andre, and Amanda close behind her, looking worried.

  "Aria, come on, calm down. You being upset aren’t good for the baby. When Xavier returns you can ask him to help find out, his lawyers will help you, I promise. Now come back outside and relax, or Xavier will have our heads for causing you to be this stressed." She begs me quickly.

  I turn to her feeling angry, but the sight of her worried face stops me. Taking a deep, trying to calm myself back, I nod and follow her and the others back out to the pool.

  Later that day Xavier calls me, sounding pleased. He informs me he made all the deals he needs, and is flying home tonight, three days earlier than he planned. This cheers me up greatly, and I can't keep the smile from my face.

  Finally with him coming home, I began to relax. It's strange how crazy I am for him. I really do love him so much, that it really scares me.


  That same night I received another call from Xavier telling me that his flight got delayed and he wouldn't be back until dinner time tomorrow. He sounded upset over it, and I feel down casted by the news and I talked to him on the phone for over an hour before he had to go
get some rest to be up early for his flight.

  I went to bed early too, feeling exhausted, and slept fitfully until the next morning when Mel woke me up around nine.

  "Good morning Aria, Amanda and I decided to go shopping today. Do you want to come with us? It'll take your mind of things, and it'll do you good to get out of the house for once." She practically whines at me.

  Groaning but getting up anyway, I make my way downstairs to grab some breakfast, feeling a lot better than I had yesterday.

  Carlos was making pancakes and bacon when I walked into the kitchen. Seeing me, he smiled and handed me the first plate---much to Andre's annoyance.

  After I'd eaten enough to feed an army, I went back up to our room and put on a blue skinny-jeans and a royal blue off-the-shoulder top. I decided to wear my flat boots that I'd learned to love, and tied my long hair up into a messy bun. I went downstairs to search for Mel and Amanda.

  I found them both in the lounge with Andre, I watch them all glance warily at me, quickly flipping the TV off as I entered.

  Mel jumps up smiling, and rushes over to me.

  "You ready to go? You don't really have to come if you don't feel like it, Aria. Amanda and I will be fine alone. You could stay here and try writing more?" She asks me, sounding nervous.1

  Sighing in relief, I go and collapse onto the huge sofa beside Andre.

  "Thank God. I really don't want to troll the shops today with you, Mel. You drive me nuts with how many stores you visit. I'll just stay here with Andre and relax. Maybe we can have a barbecue later with the weather being so nice?" I ask excited at the thought of grilled meat.

  They all nod and smile. I get up and head into Xavier's study to start up my writing. He'd let me use his study room whenever I want to so I could sit and use my laptop comfortably.

  I hear Mel and Amanda talking quietly to Andre as they leave, and he even comes in here to ask if I want anything.

  Assuring him that I'm fine, I get my attention on my book.

  It's around lunch time when I start getting restless. I stop typing and flip the TV on to relax my fingers. The news welcomed me…but hearing it seems like not a good idea. I almost lose grip of the remote.

  A picture of Xavier and the brunette who'd visited the house weeks before, flashes across the screen. There are some good shots that the camera has captured, and they are all through the window of a hotel room. In all of them he's having sex with her, and the date on the camera was from last night.7

  Feeling sick, I rush from the study and up to my room, locking it behind me.

  How could he have done this? I'm carrying his child and he told me he loved me!

  Running to the bathroom, I bring up everything I ate earlier, and sob my heart out. That fucking bastard!

  Once I've cleaned myself up, and don't feel nauseated anymore. I went my closet and grab the suit case I'd brought with me when I moved in. Filling it angrily with all my clothes, I grab a smaller one and fill it with my passport, pregnancy notes and scan pictures. I get my wallet and cellphone just to notice numerous missed calls from Xavier and turned it off instead. Calling a cab, I carry my cases downstairs to the front of the house and wait patiently for my ride to get here.1

  It arrives five minutes later, and the cab driver helps me put everything in the trunk. Andre comes out panicked and doesn’t seem to know what to do or how to convince me to stay. I ignore his cries to "stop" and command the driver to take me to the airport.

  Making the decision to get away for a while, Seattle comes to mind. It’s been a long while since the last time I visited my home town.

  I took a deep breath as my heart hurts like a knife got stuck into it and I can’t seem to take a hold of it. It feels so heavy each passing minute it made me feel unable to breathe as I keep holding my tears from falling. My throat started to hurt for not letting my tears went through.

  After a long while, we finally arrive at the airport. The driver helps me put my luggage to a trolley, pay him and went over without wasting a second.

  Making my way to the sales desk, I purchased a one way ticket to Seattle on the next flight out, for in an hour’s time and go to the waiting area.

  It's nearly full when I get there and I feel people staring at me but ignore it.

  Looking up at the TV screen, I saw my and Xavier’s pictures together from a party we both attended just earlier this week. We look so happy there and I can't help but feel tears fall as I stare at us.

  It soon turns to disgust as pictures from last night flash across the screen and pictures from an hour ago showing Xavier leaving this very airport looking devastated.

  Turning away, I catch the eye of an older woman who smiles sympathetically at me.

  It's not long before we're all loaded onto the plane and I sit back and try to relax as we pull off the runway, and into the sky.

  As we leave New York, I feel my heart break into tiny pieces at Xavier's betrayal, and cry myself silently to sleep.


  I made it out to Seattle with no harm. Thankfully, no paparazzi were around as I leave and was able to get myself a cab and went home quickly.

  The gates are locked when we reached the destination. I press the buzzer, informing Mia I've arrived. She promptly opens the gate by the controls and let the cab enter up to the house.

  She greets me outside with her husband, Mac, and they both help me with my luggage. Mac pays the driver for me as Mia helps me enter.

  Once inside, Mac locks the door and rushes to me giving me a tight hug.

  "Oh poppet, what has he done to you? I'm so sorry he hurt you. But I'm glad to see you back home." Mac says, smiling sadly at me.

  I sob loudly as Mia takes me from Mac and she comforted me with a hug too. They lead me into the lounge and I sit with Mia in front of the fire, sobbing as she holds me.

  I started to narrate everything to them as soon as I calmed myself down leaving no part untold. By the time I’m nearly done, Mac's spitting mad.

  "How dare he? And you're pregnant, too? If he comes here, I'll definitely kill him without a second thought" He declares angrily.

  After Mia forces me to eat some soup, she guided me my old room and helps me undress for bed.

  "Give it time, honey and all will be put into place. Just wait and see. Even if he did what he did, you still have your baby to think about. Now, don’t overthink and go to bed. Good night, sweetie." She says calmly and kisses me gently on the forehead.

  Once she's gone, I think over what she's said. I'm all my baby needs for now, I should try not to let it get to me as much but wasn't really sure how I can get through this.

  For now, I just needed to stay away from Xavier Grayson. I just didn't need the stress or the pain.


  The next six weeks passed in haze. I changed my OBGYN to our old family doctor in Seattle, and she'd been keeping an eye on me eversince.

  Xavier hasn't given up trying to contact me since I left. Mel rings everyday too, but I'm too hurt to answer any of them. I send Mel an email instead, letting her know that we are both fine and in good condition.

  Mia and Mac have been my source of support and comfort.

  I was still deeply hurt over what Xavier had done, and hurts more is the idea I may not able to trust him again, never again.

  I planned on moving back to New York in the coming month before it got too risky for me to fly. I wanted to be back where I was familiar, and where I consideras home.

  Though I am still unsure and don’t have a clear plan on what to do in regards with Xavier. I was carrying his child and I'm pretty sure he still wants to be involved with the child’s upbringing. I just don’t have the courage to talk to him without shedding tears. It just hurts so badly.

  Rumours about Xavier and Jade been dating has been the hot topic for the last two weeks. Though there’s no concrete proof presented, it made me feel sick just thinking about it.

  The press has been suspicious that I might be carrying his child.
r />   It became a huge difficulty to even leave the house thinking someone may saw me and Xavier may find out where I'd been hiding.

  I’ve been immovable from the house for the last four weeks and was starting to get a real case of cabin fever.

  Today’s check-up with my doctor is really exciting. Today’s when I’m going to find out what my little jelly bean’s gender. Mia is coming with me and I feel sad as I remember Melisn’t around to witness this but remembering her brought Xavier to mind and how he caused this, now I’m a little less guilty.

  Mac drives us out of my estate in a black BMW. I'm wearing black slacks, a purple blouse and have my long blonde hair tied up. I also put the effort of wearingsunglasses, silently praying no one would recognize me.

  I am now near the end of my 16th week and my bump is now clearly noticeable. I can even now feel my jelly bean’s first movements.

  My old clothes don’t fit me anymore thus I have to send Mia out to buy me some maternity wear after my 13th week.

  Mac safely dropped us outside the entrance of the hospital. We immediately entered. After I signed in, we went to sit and wait for my name to be called.

  It didn't take too long and soon we were lead into the examination room.

  Dr Smith welcomed me with her lively smile as I enter the room.

  "Ah Arianna, it's good to see you again, dear. Lay down on the bed for me, please?" She asks me kindly.

  I do as she asked and Mia takes a seat beside me.

  I hand my notes from my bag to Doctor Smith and she quickly scans them. She turned to the computer and typed my details.

  "Okay Arianna, we're going to do another ultrasound today, to check how your baby’s progress was so far. Do you want to know the gender?" She asks.

  "Yes please, I'd love to know what ‘jb’ is."

  She nods and grabs some gel, putting some onto my stomach. Taking the wand she moves it around my stomach and I was captivated as I stare to the screen.