Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 7

  A satisfied smile immediately appeared to my face as I watch my little ‘jb’ moves around. It’s unexplainable to see exactly what part of my baby is kicking me on the screen.

  The Doctor moves the scanner around and the silence starts making me edgy.

  "Right Arianna, your baby is perfectly healthy. All the measurements are very good, and it's obviously very active from what I can see. Now it looks like you’re having a baby boy. Congratulations, Arianna on such a healthy baby." Doctor Smith replies, smiling happily at me.

  Mia squeezes my hand and I look away from the screen and realise my tears are strolling.

  "Do you want any pictures printing?" Doctor Smith asks me gently.

  I inclined my head promptly to provide my answer and she leaves me alone with Mia. Mia comes to me and hugs me, feeling proud.

  "Oh Arianna, we’re now going to have a little man to pamper in the house." She says excitingly.

  "Oh, I'm so happy, Mia. I wanted a boy so much. I believe he will look so much like Xavier." I reply, sighing. Though I hate the man now, I know deep inside there will always be a space just for him.

  "Since we’re done here, how about a little shopping to relieve some stress?" She naturally changes the topic.

  She shook her head in disagreement. I am too tired to go for shopping anyways I don’t need to relieve my stress. Today’s discovery just gave me so much energy to spend.

  After Doctor Smith hands me a few pictures, took my blood pressure, and weight, measured my bump, we ring Mac to come pick us up.

  I can't keep the smile from my face as I get into the car, and Mac looks relieved to see me so happy.

  "Boy or girl? Come on, the suspense is killing me?" He begs as we set off home.

  "Boy." I grin at him, and he whoops happily.

  "Finally, we’re having another man around the house." He replies happily.

  I shake my head at him, and continue smiling all the way home.

  That night sleeps seems too difficult to be found for me. I’ve been on the bed and just staring blankly at the ceiling for about an hour. I gently touch my belly as I picture Xavier’s handsome face on my mind. I somewhat felt guilty not telling anything to him. He still has the right to know. I turned my head to the side table as I stare to my cell phone. My demons and angel are currently arguing if I should text him or not; if I should let him know or not. I take a deep breath before reaching out my phone and turned it on.

  Once it's on, shock is an understatement to describe my reaction upon seeingthe amount of missed calls and messages I got mostly from Xavier and Mel.

  Typing out a quick message, I send it before I change my mind.

  To Xavier:

  From Arianna

  Xavier, we need to talk. I will only speak to you through messages, so don't bother ringing because I won't answer you.

  I immediately received a response after a few seconds.

  From Xavier:

  To Arianna

  Where are you? Is the baby okay? I'm so sorry cara, please come home? Let me explain. Xavier

  I roll my eyes at his pathetic apology.

  To Xavier:

  From Arianna

  Yes, the baby's fine. No, I won’t come home and no I don't want your pathetic apology, it's not good enough.

  I text you to let you know I had a check-up today, the baby's perfectly healthy, and it’s a boy.

  Don't force me to return ‘cause that’s not happening and if you insists, you won’t see me ever again.

  I started to get ready for bed after not receiving a response for a while.

  But my phone finally buzzes making me jump.

  From Xavier:

  To Arianna

  I'm glad to hear our son is healthy and growing well. I'll do as you’ve said. I won’t ask you to return but you need to tell me where you are. It's not safe for you or our son to be alone like this. Xavier

  I laugh at his supposed concern.

  To Xavier:

  From Arianna

  I'm not alone. I'll be returning to New York soon, but I want you to stay away. Seeing you will only cause me, and jbstress and I'm not ready to see you yet.2

  I lie down and get comfortable, waiting for his reply.

  To Arianna:

  From Xavier

  I'm sorry Arianna, so very sorry about all of this. I hope you'll let me explain soon? I hope you'll allow me to be a part of our son's life, too? Xavier

  I scowl at my phone angrily, how dare he ask that?

  To Xavier:

  From Arianna

  Being a part of our son's life has never been an issue. But asking for my forgiveness is another thing. You just betrayed me, Xavier. You should know this better than anyone else how much it pained me.Don't waste your time expecting my forgiveness.

  Turning my phone off after sending it, I curl up and fall to sleep dreaming of my little man and how much I love him already.


  I am now on my 6th month and setting uncomfortably on an airplane. I hated being squash into the small seat. I even took a first class and still didn’t feel like there was enough room.

  My doctor knew about my plans to fly and had advised me that after this journey, to not do it again until after jb was born.

  No one knew I was coming back, apart from Mia and Mac.

  He'd been plastered all over the front of the tabloids lately, getting drunk; and always with different women.

  He'd even given up calling me every day after that argument we had where he wanted himself to be heard by me.

  Finally the plane landed safely. I grab a trolley and wheel it over to get my luggage.

  I can feel the prying eyes but just ignore it.

  Outside the airport I try to hail a cab and try desperately not to attract any attention.

  I'm waiting at the sidewalkwhen I notice a reporter approaching me. They spotted me quickly and start taking pictures and shouting questions.

  Luckily, I got a taxi and the driver kindly helps me load my bags in and I escape quickly from the reporters who are still shouting questions and taking photos of me.

  So much for that bullshit “no one knows I’m coming”!

  Now that I’m back with my house for the very first time after months of being away…feels so weird. Everything is dusty and needed a thorough clean out. I locked the door behind me and left the keys in the lock; all too aware that I gave Xavier a duplicate key to this place before.

  I just left my bags in the hall, too lazy and tired to carry them all upstairs. I head up to my room exhausted.

  After I got myself changed into a pair of boxers and an old top that Xavier had left here, I collapse onto my old bed, falling into a deep sleep in seconds.


  The next morning, I was woken up by my phone ringing loudly from the side table. Groaning, I get up and lean slowly over to grab it.

  Seeing that it's an unknown number, I put it on silent and crawl back into bed, still tired.

  Once I'm comfy I groan again as I hear someone knocking downstairs.

  I lazily got up and pad barefooted downstairs and try to make out who it is at the door. Putting the chain on before I unlock it, I open the door to see Mel standing there, nervously.

  "Mel?!" I cry, taking the chain off, and pulling her into a hug as best I could with my bump in the way.

  She smiles at me tiredly and returns the hug gently.

  Hearing shouts from across the road, I grab her and drag her roughly inside, surprising her.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks, sounding slightly alarmed.

  "Fucking reporters just won't leave me alone." I grumble, pissed off.

  I walk down the hall and into the kitchen. I pray I still have something edible left there to eat and start opening the cupboards in search of food. I hear Mel followed me and take a seat at the table behind me.

  "Uh, Aria, what are you doing?" I hear her ask me.

  "Looking for food. I'm starving." I grumble, and groan loudly wh
en all I find is a can of soup, and some expired bread sticks left in the cupboards.

  Turning back to her, I see her eyes widen fully taking me in.

  "Wow, your bump's huge now." She replied, smiling widely.

  I childishly stick my tongue out at her for pointing out the obvious. I walk pass her and up to my room to shower, and change.

  "Hey, where are you going now?" I hear her call out, as I go upstairs.

  "To get dressed, looks like we're going out for food before I eat you, I'm sure you'll taste very nice with canned soup." I call cheekily down to her.

  After getting in the shower, I wash myself as quick as I can manage.

  After a quick shower I head to my closet and almost yell at myself for not bringing my bags up here yesterday.

  Walking out onto the landing, I lean over to see if I can spot Mel.

  "Hey, Mel? Can you fetch me my blue case up? I don't have anything up here that fits anymore?" I shout down to her loudly.

  "Yeah, sure Aria, be right up." She calls back.

  I sat beside the bed as I wait for her.

  She finally comes through my door with the case and places it beside me. I get up and open it immediately grabbing a purple maternity dress and pull it over my head. I went over to my dresser and turn the hair dryer on and make quick work to my long hair. Once dried, I tie it into a pony tail and pull some flat sandals on.

  I get up as I notice Mel watching me so closely.

  "You okay?" I ask her.

  She nods, and remains quiet. Shrugging at her, I grab my bag and make my way back down, ready to go out for food. Mel follows behind and we get inside my car.

  I wait for her to buckle up before driving up to the nearest IHOP eagerly as Mel suggested.

  As we drive pass the paparazzi camped out on my street, they take pictures as we go by.

  "Wow, they're really out in force, huh?" Mel asks, sounding annoyed.

  "Yeah, I guess so," I reply absently, and we continue the drive in silence until we get there.

  We arrived and I easily parked since the parking lot isn't that full. As I enter the door, I can feel all the eyes were set on me. I didn’t bother to pay attention until someone comes to stand beside me. I turned and smile sweetly thinking it is Mel. My smile drops off my face when I see it is Xavier standing next to me instead.

  Not wanting to make a scene, I tried to ignore him. I place my large order and pay.

  The cashier tells me that they'll bring my order to my table for me and I thank her before finding somewhere to sit.

  I chose an empty table near the windows while I spot Mel sat on the bonnet of my car, looking around nervously.

  Xavier takes a seat across from me and just stares at me, making me uncomfortable.

  "Why are you here?" I ask him tiredly.

  Before he can reply, someone grab the chair next to him and sit there without saying a word. I turned to face the man who rudely interrupted them. Blanching, I openly gape at them both feeling faint. It seems Xavier is sitting side by side with himself!

  No freaking way!?

  "Now will you listen to me, cara?" Xavier asks me softly.

  I nod numbly at him, and scoot away from whoever was sat beside me.1

  "This is my twin brother, Xander. Xander, meet the mother of my child Arianna, and the woman I love, the same woman you've driven from my life, with your pettiness." He replies angrily.4

  I look at the man sat beside me in shock. He just frowns at me, and glares over at Xavier.

  "Go on then, tell her the fucking truth,Xander. How you plotted with that gal to drive us apart?!" he demands angrily. ''Well good job brother, you kept me away from my unborn child too, bravo." He shouts loudly, attracting unwanted attention.

  I stare at Xavier stunned. Is he telling the truth right now?

  "Look I'm sorry,Xavier I really have no idea she was actually pregnant when I did it. I really am sorry," he says looking over at my still shocked face. "Jade never mentioned how happy you were together, either. I'm sorry for falling for her tricks, too." He apologetically continues.

  The cashier breaks up the tense staring match between the two as she places my food in front of me.

  "Thank you," I mumble weakly to her.

  She nods and hurries away from the table.

  I stare down at my food, no longer hungry. I feel sick at what I've just learned. Xavier never cheated on me. He was innocent all along? Feeling like I was going to throw up, I push my chair back and rush towards the bathrooms as quick as I can manage.

  Opening a stall, I rush forward and empty my stomach violently.

  I hear someone calling my name loudly but ignore them, as I try to breathe.

  Once I'm done, I flush and leave the stall to find Xavier and Mel both standing there, looking at me worriedly.

  The last thing I see before everything goes black is their horrified faces and Xavier running forward to catch me as I faint.


  I wake up with the heavy feeling of my head. I look around as I quickly realized that I'm in the hospital again. It is night time when I look out the window and I vaguely wonder how long I've been here this time.

  I spotted Xavier asleep in a chair beside my bed. Seeing him made me feel guilty for all the nasty things I’ve done to him. I started to weep loudly as I could not hold my emotion any longer.

  Xavier jumps up looking alarmed and rushes over to me just as the door slams open and two nurses rushed in, looking panicked.

  "Miss Stewart? We need you to calm yourself down, right now! Your baby's heart rate has risen drastically, and we need you to help him calm down. Please, dear or we'll have to take you down for an emergency C-section." The older nurse shouts at me, gaining my attention immediately.

  I take a deep breath in, and try desperately to stop crying. After a tense few minutes it seems to be working, and they leave me again after taking my blood pressure.

  I look at Xavier in full devastation. I truly regret not letting him explains and feeling left all alone and wronged. Not even in her wildest dream would she’d ever think he got himself an identical twin brother!

  "Cara, how are you feeling?" He asks me gently.

  "Like shit." I reply hoarsely.

  He nods and comes over to me, grabbing my hands firmly.

  "I'm sorry for not telling you about Xanderuntil now," he mumbles softly, "maybe it would have saved us both so much pain if I had. Xander will be having an interview soon to straighten up what really happened and also for both of us and maybe they'll stop bugging you as much then. I'm glad you know the truth now, tesoro. I've missed you so much." He replies crying, and making my heart break.4

  He leans over and pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly and sobs into my shoulder.

  "I searched everywhere for you, Arianna. I just couldn't find you. And your asshole of a brother Marcus refused to tell me anything even after I explained to him the truth. I don’t know what I should do next that I thought I was going mad until you contacted me. I'm so glad you're home, baby, so very glad." He murmurs against my neck.

  I'm still holding him close as the door opens and Mel comes in looking worried, seeing me awake she squeaks loudly, startling Xavier and even herself making me giggle stupidly.

  "You’re awake! Oh thank God. I'm so sorry, Aria for not telling you, but I didn't think you'd believe me if it is me who explains it. It may sound like I’m covering my own brother up. Are you okay now? What about the baby?" She rambles out.

  "It's fine, Mel. I'm so glad you did what you did. And I think my baby’s fine since I haven't seen the doctor yet, just some nurses that came in when I got upset." I assure her.

  She nods and leaves the room; knowing her, she's gone looking for the doctor herself.

  Xavier gets up, and dries his eyes against the sleeve of the jumper he's wearing. He stares deeply at me, this time it doesn’t bug me anymore.

  "Can you forgive me, cara?" He asks me, leaving me confused.

  "Forgive wh
at? You didn't do anything. It's me that should be sorry. I left before you could even explain. I was just so hurt and heart-broken after seeing those pictures. I never even stopped to think of a logical explanation to explain them. I'm so sorry for not trusting you, Xavier." I reply crying softly.2

  "There's nothing to forgive, cara. Those pictures were pretty convincing. Just say you'll take me back. I love you so much Arianna, please?" He asks me sounding broken.

  "Teamo, Xavier." I reply kissing him.

  He responds hungrily, and pulls me towards him.

  We were both put to stop to what we’re doing when someone clears their throat loudly behind us. I looked up and saw a familiar face. I grin widely as I recognized him.

  "Ah, it's my favourite Doctor." I reply dryly.

  He enters into the room further and scowls at me, obviously remembering me.

  "Miss Stewart, what a pleasure it is to have you back here, annoying me again." The doctor replies, making Mel laugh loudly.

  "I've looked over your chart and it seems like you're good to go. You need to make up a follow up appointment tomorrow with your baby but everything looks okay. You just need to rest and when I say rest that means in bed, or sat down. Not walking and tiring yourself, okay?" The Doctor asks me sternly.

  "Sure Doc, whatever you say." I grudgingly agree.

  He eyes me, as if to check if I'm lying or not, but my baby's health is more important than an annoying doctor’s.

  I smile sweetly at him and he gives me a purely skeptical look before signing my discharge papers.

  Handing them to me, I put them into my bag safely.

  "Congratulations on the baby, Miss Stewart. I wish you the best of luck and hope to never have to see you again." The Doctor says as he leaves the room.

  I grin widely at his retreating back and hear Xavier clear his throat. Turning to him, I smile sweetly at him, but he just raises an eyebrow at me.

  "He was my doctor when I was treated after saving John. He hates me because I never listened to anything he told me to do." I reply grinning.

  Mel shakes her head at me, while Xavier leans back over, capturing my lips again.

  "You never answered my question before, mio amore?" He asks me.