Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 5

  Pulling over, she opens the door and rushes in, dumping her bag in the back seat.

  "Morning Aria, how are you today?" She asks in a tone full of energy.

  "Good Mel, how are you?" I ask her, as I set off to the mall.

  "I'm good. I noticed Xavier didn't come home again last night, you know he might as well just go ahead and move in with you. Just one thing if you really happen to live together, just don't forget about little old me, please?" She asks sounding serious.

  I stare at her shocked.

  "Mel, how could we! You're Xavier's sister, and you're like a best friend to me already, I definitely won't forget about you. What makes you think like that?" I ask her concerned.

  She looks out of the windows, and seems lost in her thoughts.

  She finally replies, looking upset.

  "I'm lonely Aria, my family isn't around anymore, and Xavier's either working, or with you. Not that I have a problem with you at all Aria, I love how happy you make him, I just wish you were both around more." She mumbles sadly.

  "Oh sweetie, I understand. I lost my parents too. My older brother Marcus is a bum that he never even bothers to visit his sister to check if I happen to be still alive. If you really feel that lonely in that big house all by yourself then you could always come to my place. I have a spare room or we could be a roomie, if you want?" I offer her.

  She stares at me shocked, before a bright smile spreads across her face.

  "Really?" She asks attentively.

  "Sure Mel, I'd love you around." I reply honestly.

  "Oh Aria, you're the best. Thank you." She responds happily.

  As we reach the mall and find an empty spot, I just hope Xavier won't mind me stealing his baby sister.

  We spend the rest of the day shopping, and after an awkward start between Mel and Alexa, they finally start warming up to each other, and it's not long before we're all laughing and having fun.

  After finally getting enough clothes to last me a while, we head down to the food court, splitting up to get different things. I'm absolutely starved, although I feel slightly nauseous again. I chose a chicken salad wrap and a bottle of still water. I return to join Mel and Alexa at the table. They both eye me cautiously, and I frown at them both.2

  "What?" I ask confused.

  "Is that all your having? You normally eat more than that. What's up?" Alexa asks, with Mel nodding beside her.

  I shrug and sit down, opening my food.

  "I just feel a little nauseous, but I’m honestly fine. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Anyway what's been happening with you Alexa? It’s hard to see you lately?" I reply happily changing the subject, and munching my wrap.

  Alexa rambles on about her job and having a new management. She also talks all about her new boyfriend Mike, and I'm genuinely pleased for her. Usually she doesn't do steady relationships at all, so I know how important this 'Mike' guy is to her.

  Once we're done we go our separate ways, promising to catch up with Alexa again in a few weeks. I drive Mel back to my place, where we planned on hanging out, she asks to stop at the pharmacy near my house and I wait as she runs inside quickly.

  She comes out with a bag of tampons and something I can't see, and we set off back to mine.

  As we pull up, I see Xavier's car and smile widely, I'd given him a key for times like this; even if it was early on in the relationship.

  I got our bags and enter my house to the mouth-watering smell of grilled steak and veggies. Following the smell out back, I see Xavier stood beside the grill while passionately having a duet to the radio.

  "Hey baby!" I shout happily to him.

  He turns, and smiles broadly back at me.

  "Hey cara, did you have fun today?" He asks pecking me on the forehead and attended back to the food.

  "Yes. We went with Mel and we did have fun. She's here aswell. I left her inside with the new clothes. She's probably trying them on as we speak." I say smiling at him.

  "Aria, can you come in here a minute?" I hear Mel call, and head back inside.

  Not finding her downstairs, I go up to my room to find her sat on my bed, looking unsure.

  "What's up, Mel?"

  "When you and Xavier sleep together, do you use protection?" She asks me, looking extremely uncomfortable.

  I blush brightly, and gape at her.

  Thinking it over, I can't actually remember if he does or not, and feel my face drain.1

  "I thought so. I'm guessing you aren't on birth control either, huh?" She asks gently.

  I shake my head slowly, and feel nauseous again.

  She gets up, and hands me a small box. Blood seems to leave my face as I took it from her.

  "Go take it Aria, you need to know." She replies firmly while motioning me to the bathroom.

  I obediently went to the bathroom and slowly shut the door. Trying not to panic, I release a deep breath. How could we have been so careless? Sure I was pretty certain I was already in love with Xavier, but are we ready for this?

  My hands were trembling as I read and followed the instructions written. I waited a nerve wracking two minutes. I grasp my breath and slowly collapse to the floor as I see the result.

  Two pink lines!? Two lines mean positive, right? I don’t seem to be on the right state of mind as I stare back at it.

  A small knock on the door and Mel’s voice finally broke my current state.

  "Y-yeah, come on in." I respond feeling numb.

  She comes in, and immediately wraps me up in a tight hug.

  "You are, aren't you?" She asks me gently.

  "Yeah, it's positive." I mumble, stunned.

  "Wow! I'm now an Aunt, right? Oh, I'm so excited! Oh, wait sorry, you don't need to hear this yet. Do you think you can face Xavier? He just shouted up saying the foods done." She asks me.

  Standing up slowly, I place the test into the bin and wash my hands. Taking a deep breath, I follow Mel as she heads back downstairs.

  How am I going to tell Xavier? Would he be mad? Happy? Oh god, this is bad.

  Xavier had set up the wooden table and chairs outside and he sat while he waits for us. The foods look amazing and my stomach growls loudly, making Xavier chuckle lightly.

  "Come on you two, it's ready." He says smiling at us both happily.

  We sit down, me beside Xavier, and Mel across from us, and we begin eating. It's so good, and I finish everything quickly.

  "Wow tesoro, you must have been hungry. Didn't you eat while you were out?" He asks teasing me.

  "Yeah I did, but this was amazing, thanks baby." I reply, trying to sound cheerful.

  "Xavier? Aria asked me a question earlier, and I hope you won't be mad?" Mel mumbles quietly.

  He stares at her with a raised eyebrow to continue.

  "Shesaidicanmoveinherewithherandireallywantto." She rushes out so fast I can hardly understand her, and I'm certain Xavier doesn't either.

  Xavier looks completely confused, making me giggle.

  "She said I offered her to move in here with me, because I don’t want her feeling lonely on that big house. She agreed, but doesn't want to upset you, or make you mad." I reply slowly.

  He looks at both of us with a weird look, before nodding slowly.

  "Okay Mel, if it will make you happy, then sure. Are you sure you don't mind, cara?" He asks me serious.

  "Yeah, I'd love to have her around. So you aren't mad?"

  He shakes his head, smiling widely.

  "No, I'm pleased, I actually was thinking of asking you to move into our place instead. I really love waking up to you in the morning, and I'd love to do it forever. But if you like it here better then we could move in here together instead…. That's if you’re ready to go that far with me?" He asks me, hopefully.

  I nod with tears in my eyes, and feeling overwhelmed.

  "I'd love that Xavier, but I need to talk to you about something I found out earlier, first. I hope you won't be mad at me either." I ask him, crying openly now.

; I feel Mel hug me for support, and I'm thankful she's here.

  He stares at me shocked, and obviously confused.

  "What is it, are you okay?" He asks sounding alarmed.

  "I'm pregnant." I reply sobbing now.

  He freezes and just stares at me shocked for a few agonising minutes, before a wide smile spreads across his face.

  "Really Arianna, I'm going to be a Dad?" He asks sounding almost choked up.

  I gape at him stupidly, and just nod. I expected him to be mad, not happy.

  "Oh tesoro, you've made me so happy. How could you think I'd be mad at you? Oh God, a baby! Our baby!" He replies excited, making me smile through my tears.9

  He suddenly descends and grabs me, spinning me around, whooping loudly.

  No words can comprehend how happy I’m feeling right now.

  We spend the rest of the night talking and picturing how our future will be.


  The next few weeks seems like a fairy tale for me. Xavier treated me like a princess.

  He unsealed his lips to everything I want to know about him. I’ve been shocked as I found out he was the MrGrayson of Grayson LTD, and Alexa's boss.

  He admitted the only reason my résumé had been turned down when I applied as his PA was the idea he may not put a hold to himself not to lay a single finger on me.

  He introduced me to his world slowly and let me attended a private function for charity with him and Mel where he introduced me as his date.

  The paparazzi eventually found out about our relationship, and the fact we'd moved in together turned to be a bam to the world.

  They even tried camp out from across the house hoping to catch a glimpse of us together, literally stalking us.

  We all eventually agreed to move into Mel and Xavier's house where it gives more privacy because of the big fences surrounding.

  It took a lot of messing around, but finally I was settled into the huge house, and started feeling more at home there.

  Xavier had come home yesterday all nervous, and slightly panicked.

  He told me he'd been speaking to one of his close friends about having a baby, and the complications his friend’s wife had suffered. He'd rushed home straight away, and demanded we go straight to hospital for me to get checked over.

  It had taken me and Mel nearly an hour to convince him otherwise.

  At around ten weeks pregnant other than the feeling of a slight bump on my lower abdomen whenever I touch it lightly, I don’t seem to look like one.

  I had an appointment later to check up on our little jelly bean and Xavier was currently pacing his study like a total bag of nerves.

  I and Mel sat in the huge dining room while enjoying my grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup which I requested from the chef. And yes you heard right---a chief. Carlos is cooking for them twenty-four-seven---not that I'm complaining though. He cooks like wonder and it will definitely come in handy when my cravings eventually kick in later.

  "So, can I come later, too?" Mel asks me around a mouthful of food.

  I'm too busy eating to reply, so just nod at her. She smiles, and continues munching away.

  I see the chef smiling widely at us from the corner of my eye, and give him the thumbs up.

  "This is amazing Carlos, I'm so glad you're here. You may regret it eventually though, especially when I'm calling you at 3 a.m. for chicken wings." I joke with him.

  He just waves me off, and smiles.

  "It will be fine Miss Stewart. I look forward to seeing a little one around this place again." He says happily.

  "Aria, Carlos. Call me, Aria." I protested while jokingly goggle at him.

  He smiles, and shakes his head before going back into the kitchen.

  "He really likes you, Aria. He treats you like a family already." Mel chirps happily.

  "I'm glad," I smile and finish devouring what's left of my food.

  At two p.m. on the dot, I changed into white strap top and skinny jeans with some flat black boots and grab my bag to go meet Xavier by the car where he's already waiting with Mel.

  Xavier looks breathtakingly gorgeous in his black long sleeved top with a black suit jacket and black slacks and loafers. Mel's wearing a long, blue summer dress, and she looks fascinatingly beautiful. She has a long brown hair and brown eyes and is really pretty.

  "Ready, cara?" Xavier asks me and kisses me gently before helping me into the car.

  "Yep, I've got everything I need." I reply smiling.

  Mel gets in the back, grinning widely at us as we set off towards the hospital.

  I'm really hoping the paparazzi won't find out about this. You know they won’t leave us alone if they do. Never mind if they find out about our jelly bean.

  We arrived at the hospital earlier than expected. We go straight inside and I check in. We get lead to a private waiting room, and I raise an eyebrow at Xavier who just smirks in response.

  Once the nurse leaves the room, I look at him annoyed slightly.

  "Thought of everything, huh?" I ask him, teasing.

  "I had to make sure you'll be safe in here. You never know what type of loony is running around. I need you both safe, Aria." He replies serious.

  "Okay, you should’ve told me earlier." I grumble at him.

  He smiles at me and lends over to kiss me just as the door opens and an older lady in white lab coat forwards.

  "Miss Stewart?" she confirms. I nod and smile at her. "Hi,I'm Doctor Green. I'll be your OBGYN until you have your baby. Now would you like to follow me to my office?" She asks us kindly.

  We get up and went after her down the hall and into a large room. She takes a seat beside the computer and motions for me to lie down on the bed beside it.

  I feel nervous as I compel. I look around the office and notice how nice it was decorated.

  "So Miss Stewart, when was your last period?" She asks professionally.

  "Ten weeks ago."

  "Okay, had you been having unprotected sex before then?" She asks.

  I blush, and shake my head.

  "No. I lost my virginity roughly nine weeks ago, we didn't use protection." I mumble, and Xavier grabs my hand, his touch is assuring me.

  Mel sat there gaping at me until Xavier reaches over and closes her mouth for her causing me to giggle. While the doctor is busy in front of her computer.

  "Okay, so that makes your due date around the 20th of September. I'm going to do an ultrasound to check everything is going as it should." She says smiling at me brightly.

  Nodding, I lift my shirt and let her splash some sticky, cold gel onto my belly.

  She grabs a grey wand thing, and presses it onto my stomach. I watch fascinated, as the screen changes, and I can see the baby immediately.

  It doesn't look very big, but you can already make out the general shape, especially the head.

  Xavier grabs my hand, turning my attention from the screen. He's staring at the monitor in awe.

  "Well there it is. Your baby's measurements are all exactly right for the dates you've given me. You are exactly nine weeks today, so your due date will be the 20th of September, like I said before. Would you like some pictures?" She asks us gently.

  "Oh yes, please?" I ask eagerly.

  Mel's being very exceptionally quiet makes me turn to her only to be stunned by the tears rolling down her face.

  "Mel, what's wrong? I thought you'd be happy?" I ask her confused.

  She nods and smiles, confusing me because she's still crying.

  "Oh Aria, I'm really so very happy. That's another little part of our family, right there." She explains quickly.

  I just shake my head at her, and turn back to the screen, smiling.

  The doctor goes out of the room, leaving us alone for a while. Once she comes back in, she's carrying a small envelope.

  "Here are your pictures.” She smiles and hand the small envelope to me. Now, you're taking the vitamins regularly, right?" She asks me.

  "Yes. Every morning." I assure

  "Okay, well you're certainly very healthy, and the baby looks great. Any morning sickness?" She asks.

  "Not anymore, no."

  "Well, good to hear that. I'll arrange another appointment at sixteen weeks, but until then if you need me my number is on your notes, right here," she shows me her number at the top. "You need to bring these notes to every appointment, too." She tells me firmly.

  "Okay, thank you." I reply taking them from her and put them into my bag safely.

  Xavier helps me up, after I've wiped my stomach clean and we all head back outside.

  I feel completely dazed. I finally got to see my baby and it was really amazing.

  After getting into the car, we're all silent as we drive through town. I grab my bag and took the picture out as I just stare at it in amazement.

  My little jelly beans so cute!

  We arrive back at the house in no time at all, and we all get out grinning widely.

  Xavier unlocks the door for us and leads us inside and Mel rushes off upstairs while loudly saying something about the "baby's nursery" as she goes past us. Xavier turns and grabs me, pulling me gently against him and hungrily crashes his lips onto mine and I respond immediately.

  We got too engrossed with our business we didn’t come to realize we have company until someone clears their throat loudly behind us making us both jump.

  I turned around and frown when I came to see an unfamiliar brunette. Judging by Xavier's pissed off face I'd say he knows exactly who she is.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" He asks, sounding beyond angry.

  "I came to see the new 'it couple'. You see, I'd heard the rumours and even seen your pictures together, I just can’t believe you’re really into this. I mean we’ve been together for five years, and not once did you ask me to move in with you. This bitch just had been around for what? Two months? And she already moved in and you’re playing happy family together with your slutty sister?!" She shouts angrily at us.

  Xavier steps in front of me protectively and moves forward.