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Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Page 12

  Going back down, I head into the kitchen, to see that Andre's returned.

  "Hey, Andre." I reply happily.

  He smiles, and nods at me.

  Getting Angelo from Xavier, I change him into his swim suit, and carry him out to the pool. Xavier grabs the floating seat to put Angelo in and lets me get into the water first, then passes me Angelo securely.

  I put him gently into his inflated seat, he seems to enjoy as his face brightens and wriggles in the water, making us smile at him.

  "I'll just go change, and join you. By the way you look damn fine in that bikini and I left you a little something, right there." He replies, pointing snugly at my neck.

  "You left a hickey?" I ask him annoyed.

  He nods, and smirks at me, quickly making his escape.

  The rest of the afternoon passes quickly as we we’re enjoying ourselves. After a quite a while, Amanda and Mel return too.

  Angelo gets stolen away from me by an overly-excited Amanda who takes him into the lounge, while I order us all some Chinese for dinner.

  Xavier and Andre were watching a comedy on our newly decorated lounge and laying cosily in our new L-shaped, black leather sofa. Amanda is lying on the floor playing with Angelo on his mat.

  Hearing the doorbell, I reluctantly get up, and Xavier hands me some cash from his wallet.

  When I get to the door and open it, I found Marcus standing.

  Looking at him, I know exactly why he's here, and feel my face get hard.

  "No freaking way. Not happening again, Marcus. I've had enough. Leave. I don't want to hear it again. You only want to know me when you need money. Where you were after Angelo was born? Or do you even know who Angelo is? I came to visit you and Claire when Daniel was born, and tried to call you when you were not around but I receive no reply from the voicemail I left you when you won’t even bother to answer your phone!You’re supposed to be my older brother, Marcus. It’s you who should be protecting and be responsible of me, not the other way around! So, please, go because I already had enough of you!" I reply angrily, not caring that I'd raised my voice.

  Xavier comes in looking worried, seeing an unknown male arguing with me, made his protective instincts kick in. He forwards as he block his body between me and Marcus, while he looks at me confused.

  "Xavier, meet Marcus, my asshole of a brother. Marcus, this is my boyfriend, Xavier. Now, will you please leave!?" I attempt to drag Xavier inside, so I can slam the door. But he stops me gently.

  "What did you want Marcus? Obviously, it's nothing good because you've upset her?" He asks him trying to face the situation calmly

  Marcus shambles down looking uncomfortable, but doesn't answer.

  "He wants me to loan him more money again, money that I'll never, ever see again. Just like all the rest he credited before. What is it this time, Marcus? What again are you going to do with it?!" I asked him. I am getting angrier and upset by his silent reaction.

  "Claire's pregnant again, and my business is failing. We're going to be out on the streets soon, and I don't know what to do." Marcus finally replied quietly.

  My forehead creased upon hearing his reply. How could he be when he owned a house in Miami?

  "Why are you losing the house? You own it!?" I ask now angry again.

  He looks down at his feet, and mumbles something I don't catch.

  "What?" I ask him.

  "I mortgaged it twice. Now the bank wants to take the house, because I can't afford the repayments. I'm sorry, Arianna but I'm desperate, and you’re the only person I have left now to ask."

  I released a deep sigh as I hold on my head as I feel them starting to ache. Xavier's thankfully stayed quiet while Marcus explained. I opened the door wider and him to come in as I move to the side.

  Without uttering a word, I lead him down the hall to Xavier's study, I go over to his desk, and take out my check book that I keep there.

  I look at Marcus silently wondering the emptiness I am feeling. We used to be so close when we were younger; and he’s the only living member of my real family. Xavier's standing beside the door silently watching us both.

  I grab a pen and look back at him, waiting for him to tell me how much he needs this time.

  "I need a hundred." He mumbles quickly.

  I hear Xavier chuckle, and going into his pocket, he takes out a hundred dollar bill, and hands it to Marcus.5

  I just stare at Marcus, knowing full well he means a hundred thousand.

  "I meant a hundred thousand, thanks though." Marcus replies to Xavier, pocketing the money.2

  Xavier stares at him in shock, before glaring at him angrily.

  I ignore them both and write down the amount he asked for without blinking an eye. Our parents had left us half a million dollars each in their will, and while Marcus blew all his as fast as he could, I saved mine, and collected the interest it had gained over the years.1

  "Make sure to pay your debts. This is the last one you’ll get from me, you understand? And I eventually want it back too, so you'd better sort yourself out. Okay?" I tell him angrily.

  Getting up and handing the check to Marcus, much to Xavier's shock. I motion for them both to move, wanting to get away from Marcus.

  Once I'm out of the room, I head to the lounge where I can found Amanda still cooing to Angelo. Taking him from her gently, I carry him up to our room, ignoring everyone staring at me curiously, and listen to Xavier letting Marcus out of the house.

  He soon comes into the room carrying Chinese cartons.

  Sitting beside me, we watch Angelo playing with a rattle on the bed silently, before he kisses me gently and hugs me close.

  "I'm surprised, mio amore, why didn’t you told me about your brother before? And how much have you given him all together?" Xavier asks gently.

  I shrug in answer, and shake my head.

  "I rarely see him, Xavier, so it wasn't worth mentioning before. And I don’t even want to count how much I lent him. All I wanted to is for him to come as my brother and not as someone who wants to see me every time he’s in need of money. I wonder how much he’d change from the way he was before. We were so close before Mom and Dad died." I reply sadly, feeling my eyes fill up with tears, and angrily wipe them away.

  "I don't know,tesoro. I'm sorry." He replies, and pulls me closer against him, as I let the tears spill over.


  My dismay didn’t sort out the following day, but I tried not to show it to Xavier, or the others.

  Xavier had to go early in the morning tomeet a client and discuss a change in their contract. He'd taken Angelo along with him much to my surprise, leaving me with nothing to do.

  Mel has restless all morning, thinking about her date tonight. Xavier was taking me out too, but wouldn't tell me where.

  Mel persuaded me to go shopping with her for an outfit tonight, after two hours of looking, and not finding a dress that I liked, I was starting to regret coming.

  Mel had found a gorgeous scarlet dress that suited her perfectly. She informed me she has the 'perfect shoes', so that was one less shop we had to visit.

  Going into the last shop with her, I spot a beautiful royal blue dress, and I fall in love with it instantly. It was a floor length, and very nearly strapless, there's just one small strap running over at the right shoulder. It has a small silver design at the waist, and a slit up to mid-thigh on the left leg. I tried it on, and feel like a princess in it.

  I get my size and buy it, happy I'd finally found something, I thought I’m going home empty-handed. Mel liked it too, and already had planned on how to do my hair and makeup.

  Grabbing something to eat then driving home, I felt happier, and was really excited about tonight.

  Xavier arrived home at around 5pm, and I spent an hour with Angelo, before handing him to Amanda, and started to get ready.

  Mel barged her way into our room after I'd showered, and got to work blow drying my hair. She decided to leave my hair in a half up, half down style. She did
my makeup light, and natural like I asked and once she was done, I did hers.

  At 7:45pm, Xavier knocked on the closed door, to tell me we were leaving in 15 minutes.

  "Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I shouted back to him.

  Slipping on my dress and heels, I checked my reflection one last time, before going down.

  I find Xavier stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for me. He looks jaw-dropping gorgeous wearing a three piece royal blue suit, matching me, and I can't believe he's all mine!?

  Xavier looks up as he hears my heels on the stairs, and his mouth drops open at seeing me, making me blush, at the look in his eyes as I reach him.

  "God, you're beautiful, mio amore, I'd take you right here, right now if we were alone." He growls out, and kisses me passionately, leaving me breathless.

  Grabbing my hand, he pulls me out of the house and I gasp, seeing a huge limo waiting there for us.

  "Let’s go, mio amore. Let’s not waste our time." He says kissing me again, and taking my hand, pulling me inside the huge car.1

  He can't keep his hands off me in the limo, and I'm all hot and bothered, when we get out at the restaurant.2

  He's smirking obviously pleased with himself, and knowing exactly what he's doing to me. Getting out, I check my makeup quickly and smooth my dress down. Contented with what I see, I let Xavier take the lead.

  "Table for Grayson?" He asks the receptionist at the door.

  We're immediately led to our table, and I stare around us in awe, at how beautiful the place is.

  Xavier pulls my chair out andpush it as soon as I sit.

  We order our drinks, and the waiter leaves us menu to look over while we wait.

  Looking over the menu I know what I'm getting, but looking around, all I see is stick thin models, and their dates. I suddenly got worried on how I look; but soon mentally scolded myself for thinking that way. I'm happy with my body, and more importantly so is Xavier.

  "You have something you want, mio amore?" Xavier asks grinning.

  "Yes. I'm going to get just the same what I was eating when you and Mel joined me that fateful day." I tell him grinning. "I'm so glad we met, you've made me so happy." I utter sincerely.

  He leans over and kisses me again, not caring about everyone else.

  "You are my world now Arianna, you and our bambino are everything to me. I love you so much." He declares and I smile at him lovingly.

  The waiter comes back after a few minutes with our drinks, and takes our orders.

  Taking a sip of my drink, I look around the room to see if I can spot anyone I know, nearly choking on my drink when I see Jade and an older man having dinner here, too. She's glaring daggers at me, and I can't help but feel smug that me and Xavier are so happy, despite all her and Alexa's efforts to split us up.

  "I see her too, mio amore, don't mind her. She’s not worth it."

  Turning back to Xavier, I nod and smile at him.

  Our food gets delivered soon after, and we eat and talk about everything and anything, just enjoying each other’s company like our first date.

  Xavier orders us both a dessert, though I try to stop him, but he’s too determined about it for some reason, so I just shrugged and agreed.1

  He'd ordered us both chocolate brownies and ice cream, with a glass of champagne to have before we leave.2

  When it gets delivered, the waiter hands me my glass, smiling widely. I take it and wonder what his wide smile is all about; I realized what he meant after seeing something in it. I took a closer look, and noticed it's a ring. Turning to Xavier, I see him on the floor on bended knee, looking at me expectantly.

  "Arianna Stewart, I love you with all my heart. You've given me my happy ever after. Mio amore, will you marry me?" He asks me, I stare at him stupidly, too shocked to respond.

  The restaurant had gone quiet for Xavier's romantic lines and we were now gaining their attentionas he fished out the ring from my glass, and holds it out to me.

  "Oh my god Xavier, yes, a million times yes." I cry, and jump into his arms, kissing him.

  He laughs happily, and spins me around, as everyone cheers for us.

  "I love you, Xavier." I reply happily, as he sets me down.

  "I love you too Arianna, so very much." He replies softly, and kisses me again.

  After all the excitement, I sit and take a drink of Xavier's champagne as mine was ruined, Xavier pouts playfully at me, and I laugh when the waiter comes over smiling, and hands him another glass.

  We finish our dessert, and I'm so happy I couldn’t contain my heart in. I couldn't wait to tell Mel when we got home.

  As we leave, the paparazzi are out in full force, shouting questions already, and I came to think that someone must have tipped them off from the restaurant.

  They all want photos of the ring, and the females all ooh, and ahh at how gorgeous it is, and I agree.

  Xavier had picked a platinum band, with a large diamond surrounded by two smaller ones and even smaller ones along the band, lt felt massive on my finger, but I vowed to never remove it. I truly loved it.

  Driving home with the limo, I couldn't stop the 'shit eating grin' from my face, and Xavier was exactly the same. I felt the happiest I'd ever been, and couldn't wait for the rest to come along too.


  We finally arrived with Mel and Amanda waiting for us while both were screaming happily as soon as we took our entrance.

  "Oh god!? I'm so happy for you guys. You'll be my sister properly now." Mel replied happily.

  I hug her, and show her the ring.

  "Xavier, this is perfect. Why didn't you tell me?" Mel demands him. "Oh I'm so happy! We need to start planning the wedding. Will you let me do it?" Mel asks turning to me.

  "Erm, okay. Just not over the top, or I'll shut you down, understand?" I warn her seriously. "And weren't you on a date earlier?"

  She nods. "Yeah, Bradley got a call from work, being a Surgeon sucks."


  She turns our attention back to us as she grins widely to us.

  Andre steps forward, and pats Xavier on the back, smiling.

  "Congratulations, man! I'm happy for you both." Andre says grinning too. "

  Angelo's upstairs, asleep in his room."

  "Thanks, Andre. Will you be my best man?" Xavier asks him, startling Andre.

  "Of course, It’ll be an honor! So does this mean I get to plan the stag do then?" He asks cheekily, winking at me.

  I glare at him, and he raised his hands immediately.

  "No stripper's. At all!" I tell him deadly serious.1

  He pouts at me playfully, but nods in agreement.

  Xavier grabs me, and pulls me into a hug.

  "There's no need to be jealous, mio amore, I'm all yours. But the stripper's thing applies to you too. Amanda? Make sure Mel understands?" He asks her.

  She nods, smiling, and goes off to find Mel.

  Andre leaves us alone, as he goes up to his room, and I go to ours to get changed for bed, feeling tired but happy.

  Xavier follows after me, and watches me get undressed happily.

  Once I'm down to just my underwear and heels, he seems to forget how to breathe. I have on a new set, I just bought from Victoria's secret earlier, and from the looks of it, it won't last long.

  Xavier starts stripping off quickly, once he's stood bare in front of me, he quickly comes over and pulls me against him.

  He starts leaving hot kisses down my neck, while playing with my nipples through the mesh on my bra, making me shiver violently.

  He kneels in front of me, as he kisses all over my body, caressing each and every part. I watch him as he pulls down my panties with one swift tug, and gasp as he starts attacking me with his tongue, making me lose all the remaining strength I had.

  I almost collapse when I met my climax so quickly. Xavier catches me and picks me up, laying me on the edge of the bed, before returning back to what he’s doing earlier.

  He runs a finger down my f
olds while still using his mouth, and I bit my lower lip trying to control and hold back the sensation when he enters one finger into me.

  Finding me already wet, he adds another finger, and pumps them in and out of me, making me buck wildly, as he came to meet my G-spot.

  He kisses me as I'm trying to catch my breath, and I can taste myself on his lips.

  He didn’t bother to wait for me to recover; he enters me, making me cry out loudly.

  He starts moving, and I match his pace, as we both find a rhythm we're both happy with, and are soon moaning loudly together. I had my orgasm again harder than before, and Xavier follows quickly after me, shouting my name loudly.

  We both lie down after; feeling too weak to even move an inch Xavier rolls to the side, and pulls me against him, spooning me.

  He runs his moist lips to my neck, he plays with my hair.

  "I love you, Arianna."

  "I love you too, Xavier." I tell him sleepily.

  He cuddles up to me, and I fall asleep in his strong arms, contented and feeling loved.


  Three months had quickly passed since Xavier proposed to me. And tomorrow is the long anticipated day for everyone and especially, for Xavier and I.

  Xavier's will be staying at a hotel tonight, as Mel insisted on tradition being followed.

  I was lying in bed trying to sleep, but fails miserably. I’m too nervous for tomorrows event I can’t even close my eyes.

  The last three months had flown by and Angelo was getting really big now, he could already sit up, and I'd started feeding him solids too. He's growing too quickly for my liking, but I love that little man to the moon and back.

  Andre and Amanda were still staying with us, and I’m happy to have them around, the only problem it causes us is we hardly have a private time alone.

  But thanks to Xavier’s brilliant idea, our problem was no longer considered as one as he'd paid an extortionate amount of money to get our bedroom soundproofed just last month.

  Andre and the girl's laughed their asses off at us over it, but we just shrug at me as we no longer have to be mindful of our noises worrying we might be waking Angelo up, or the others.