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Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Page 11

  "Xavier? Do you want more kids eventually?" I ask him seriously.

  When his arms tighten and I receive no answer, I turn and look at him.

  Screaming shocked, I forcefully pushed him away after realising he’s not Xavier, but Xander who’s holding me.

  My loud scream woke Angelo up and he starts crying loud. I picked him up tried to calm him while glaring at Xander.

  "What the hell you’re doing here? Get the fuck out of here you sick bastard!" I scream louder.

  Xavier and Andre come rushing into the room, followed closely by Mel and Amanda.

  "What's happening, Arianna?" Xavier demands.

  "He came up her and hugs me from behind, I thought it was you until I started asking you something and I heard no response that’s time I turned around see it’s not you. Get him the fuck out of our house, now please?" I ask crying silently and shaking in shock.1

  Xavier glares down to Xander and if only looks could really kill, Xander would be six feet below the ground right now.

  Xavier surprises us all, when he unexpectedly goes forward and punches Xander, knocking him off his feet and landing hard and the floor on top of him.1

  Mel quickly drags me and Angelo out of the room. She pulls me into her bedroom and immediately locks the door behind.

  She a now quiet Angelo from my arms and places him onto the bed and surrounds him with pillows securely.

  I started crying my heart out now that I feel relieved and safe. She pulls me into a hug, and I tried to continue crying feeling disgusted thinking about what happened. I didn't like him much before, because of what he'd done to Xavier, but for Xavier's sake I'd tried to get along with him. And now this had happened.1

  Upon hearing the uproar from downstairs, I let go from Mel’s arms and opened the door. I went down and see Xavier and Xander fighting each other. I froze to my position unsure of what should I do.

  I can hear them both shouting to each other but I don’t understand a word. They finally stop hitting each other and just stand there yelling in Italian.

  Xavier’s face hardens as Xander screamed something to him, and moves towards Xander threateningly.

  "Don't you dare call Arianna a whore!? How fucking dare you to compare her to Jade? You know nothing about her and how much I love her, and she was a damn virgin when we met so shut your filthy mouth up! Now you better get your ass out of my house! Don’t you dare try anything like that again, and I will destroy you! I will fucking kill you if you ever go near her again, you hear me?" Xavier veins in his neck becomes visible as he roars out at him.1

  Xander turns to me smirking like crazy.

  "See how angry he gets? Just imagine what he'll do to you if he loses his temper at you?" Xander says in a provoking tone.2

  "Fuck you,Xander!" I mocked. "Xavier would never do like that. You better get out of here before he loses it, though I won’t really mind seeing you beaten up by him. You actually don’t have to right to call yourself a brother when all you've done is betray him over, and over. Get out!" I squall pissed off.

  Xander sneers at us both and turns away slamming the door behind him.

  Xavier rushes over to me, pulling me close and hold me tightly.

  "Are you okay? I'm so sorry about what he did to you, mio amore. I never thought he'd try anything like that. Mio dio, I could’ve killed him!?" He says to me angrily.1

  "I'm fine Xavier, just upset. I really thought he was you, it's disgusting what he tried to do. Please don't let him back in our home?" I ask him tiredly.3

  "I promise." He mumbles.

  Andre comes out of the kitchen with Carlos, both carrying a dust pan and brush. That's when got the chance to look around at the mess. It looks like a bombhits the lounge, it's completely chaos.

  Xavier looks around seeming unaware of what they’d done. I giggle at the look on his face, turning his attention back to me.

  "Leave it alone, you two. I'll call someone to clean it tomorrow. It needed a redecorating anyway." Xavier dryly informs them.

  Shaking my head at him, I grab his hand gently, and lead him upstairs to our room. Taking him into the bathroom, I let him sit on the edge of the bath and take the out the first aid kit to treat his wounded hands.

  He doesn't have a scratch on him anywhere else, just on his hands that are bruised from punching with Xander's face so many times.

  I take out an antiseptic wipe, and clean him up. He tried not to avoid my touch but failed not to make a face.

  I wash my hands once done and turn to see him watching me closely.

  He gets up and captures my lips in a hard, demanding kiss making me strains to take a breath. He takes advantage of it, and runs his tongue across mine.

  We're interrupted from our steamy make out, when someone knocks on the bathroom door.

  "Aria? Angelo needs feeding, can you come get him?" I hear Amanda ask through the door.

  I open the door and nod at her. I head to Mel’s room afterwards.

  She's trying to calm him when I enter, and I feel guilty I'd left him with her when she had plans.

  "Thanks, Mel. Sorry to just leave him with you. I'm sorry about Xander, too." I say to her sadly, as I got Angelo from her.

  "It's okay, Aria. I know he’s such a bastard. And don’t worry about Angelo, I’m fine with it." She assures me.

  Leaving her to finish getting ready, I latch Angelo on to me, lifting my top over him to cover me up. Going into our room, I lay my back against the pillows and watch him feed contently.

  Once he's been fed and burped, I change him and dress him into an all-in-one baby grow, I then took him to his crib. He's still awake, but just lays there looking around as I turn his singing, night-time mobile on for him.

  I went back into our room, I find Xavier sleeping while sitting up at the pillows, just like I had been when in fed Angelo.

  I decided not to wake him up and leave him asleep. I then turned the lights off and place Angelo's monitor next to the bed. I snuggle up to Xavier, and close my eyes completely exhausted.


  Days after the incident with Xander came to us peacefully.

  Xavier hired a cleaning crew to come see to the lounge the morning after. He lets me decorate it, I feel honoured for the trust and willingly oblige. I love showing my creativity though I hadn’t had the chance to do so lately, now is the best timing for it, perhaps.

  Mel had a wide smile when she arrived home after her girl’s night out, and reveals that she'd met someone she really liked and they’re going out for a date this coming Saturday night.

  I genuinely felt happy that Mel was going out more, and hoped this man 'Bradley' was the one for her.

  Xavier wasn't as happy as I was, and went into 'overprotective brother mode' driving me, and Mel mad with his nagging.

  It was now Friday morning, I'd come into to the office early with Xavier and brought Angelo together with me.

  Xavier had been unhappy with work the last few days, but wouldn't tell me why. I didn’t ask but hoping he will tell me about it soon.

  Last night he'd asked me to come into the office early with him to meet with a potential client.

  I'd agree right away, though curious, I didn’t ask him further. And now, we’re sitting at the board room, with Angelo asleep on my knee, waiting for them to arrive.

  Xavier stood pacing by the huge windows, and I kept looking at the clock on the wall every after minute, feeling annoyed and impatient.

  The people we were meeting were late by nearly ten minutes, and I was ready to leave.

  Xavier noticed my agitation and came to sit beside me.

  He smiles down at the sleeping Angelo and kisses me gently on the forehead, just as we a knock interrupted us and the door opens wide revealing the last person I expected to see.

  John Steele, and his asshole of a son, Alexander entered the room, followed by a tall, leggy blonde, I instantly disliked.

  Xavier stood and shook John's hand, ignoring Alexander, making me smile slight

  They all took a seat, and I shifted angrily, a bit pissed off that Xavier hadn't warned me about this first.

  John is staring at me shocked, as if he wasn't expecting me to be here, and he probably wasn't. Alexander kept staring at Angelo in disgust making my blood boils, and leaving me feeling ready to eat people alive. The blonde was staring at Xavier, watching his every move, and I felt jealousy rear its ugly head.

  "Good morning, John. It's good to see you up. Now let us hear the reasons behind this meeting, though I have nothing to say to you or to your son." Xavier’s mouth almost didn’t move when he says the word 'son'; he seems to be clenching his teeth.

  John looks shocked for a minute, before staring at his son thoughtfully.

  "I actually wanted to ask your permission to see Arianna." He replies, and turns to me.

  "Arianna, dear? I'd like to offer you your job back. I am now well again, all because of your goodwill. I've taken back control." John tells me. "My other son Jacob has been away training at Harvard, and I've come to decide to leave him the company when the time comes. Now what do you say, dear? Would you like to come back?" John asks me gently.

  I stare at him a bit surprised, not knowing what to say.

  Xavier grabs my hand, squeezes and smile at him, giving me his all-out support.

  "I can't, John. I'm happy here now, plus I get to bring Angelo to work with me here. I can't come back, I'm sorry." I reply regretfully.

  He nods, and looks saddened by what I've said.

  "Okay, dear. I respect your decision. It’s just that I really want you back, you were exceptional in your job and Alexander here was such a fool not to recognize a gem like you. I will miss you, dear. Also, Margaret asked me to extend an invitation for you and Xavier to come to dinner one evening, she'd love to catch up, and meet your son. He's very cute by the way." John replies grinning at Angelo.

  As John mentioned how good I was at my job, Alexander and his bimbo both sneer, and make sarcastic and rude remarks about me.

  Xavier stands up angrily, and has a stare down with Alexander. I glare at the bimbo too; that name I've now decided fits her perfectly.

  "For your information, Alexander my girlfriend isn't a hussy unlike the one you’re sitting beside. Why don’t you stop being so resentful just because Arianna turned you down when you force yourself to her and I showed you exactly what happens when you touch what's mine!I have no idea you're complete froth, Alexander. We should’ve reported you for attempted rape and didn’t let you get away with it.

  You’re such a disgrace considering Arianna had only just gotten out of hospital, after saving your father. I bet John doesn't know about it either." Xavier shouts at him angrily.1

  Alexander looks pissed off, and stands, trying to look offended.

  "How dare you? That little slut of yours come onto me and had slept with half of Dad's staff, and probably with Dad, too. Why shouldn't I get what's so freely given? Are you even sure it’s your baby?" Alexander replies angrily.2

  I gape at him shocked with his accusations.

  Xavier grabs him by the throat, and lifts him up.1

  "For your information Alexander, I still have the video footage of your attack at Arianna’s house. I'm sure the police would love to see it. And how dare you question my child's paternity?! She was a virgin when I slept with her, and she freely gave me what you would have taken by force, if hadn’t I stopped you. Whoever spread lies about my future wife, will regret it. And if you say one worse thing about Arianna, I'll sue your assfor slander, and I'm sure your father won't bail you out this time, either." Xavier threatens him, looking deadly serious.1

  John stands up and comes closer to me, looking greatly dismayed by his son. Even his bimbo has moved away from him; maybe she did have some sense, after all?

  "Arianna is it true? Did he attack you?" He asks, stunned.

  "Yes. I was expecting Mel, Xavier's sister, when I opened the door. He started shouting at me for being around Xavier, and called him a business rival, and accused me as a traitor. I told him it wasn't his place to tell me what to do. He attacked me before I could react, forcing himself on me. I was still weak from being in hospital, and couldn't fight him off. Thankfully, Xavier and Mel arrived and Xavier pulled him off me." I reply truthfully.

  Angelo starts stirring on my knee, and I lean down, getting a bottle of milk from my bag.

  I watch as John turns, and looks at Alexander, nauseated.

  "You sicken me, Alexander. Who told you these lies? Who told you I was having this supposed affair, with Arianna? I love your Mother with everything in me!Not even in my dreams I’m going to betray her like that. Arianna is like a daughter to us. Is that what you told them that’s why your brother and sister were indifferent on her at the hospital?" John demands, getting angrier.

  Alexander looks at me, obviously startled that no one believes him.

  "Her very own bestfriend, Alexainformed me of her slutty ways. Arianna confided to her over lunch. How was I supposed to know she was lying? She’s her best friend! Look,I'm sorry I did what I did okay? Just please don't report me?" He begs Xavier and me pathetically.

  I shook my head angrily. I knew Alexa was a bitch with how she's been acting over the last few months, but to spread those awful things about me while pretending to be my friend is just so under the belt! It hurts so real just thinking about her betrayal.

  "Fuck you, Alexander! Who knows you won’t be doing same thing again to another girl you think as a ‘slut’, you fucking sick bastard." I reply trying to be placid, still aware I was holding Angelo in my arms.

  John goes over to Alexander and drags him out. Bimbo follows after them reluctant now, and still staring at Xavier like a piece of meat.

  Xavier turns to me guiltily, and I raise an eyebrow at him.

  "I'm sorry, mio amore. I was not expecting that jerk would be here. I wouldn't have him anywhere you both on purpose." He assures me.

  I burp Angelo, and place him into his stroller once he's asleep again.

  "I know, Xavier, I just don’t want to see him again. I was surprised that John wants me to go back. But like I said, I really am happy here, that's if you want me to stay on as your PA?" I ask him nervous.

  He kisses me, and smiles.

  "Of course I want you here. You do your job brilliantly, mio amore. I couldn't ask for better. Now stop worrying, and let’s head home. I just want to be with you both." He replies, grabbing my hand, and pulling me to my feet.

  I look at the clock, and see its only 11:30am, but I know that he doesn't have any more meetings today, so nod agreeing.

  Grabbing the handles of Angelo's pram I place his changing bag under it and we set off down to the garage.

  Once we're in the car and on our way home, I start feeling relaxed finally. I planned to spend some quality time with Xavier. Amanda had offered to watch Angelo for us, because Mel had her date tomorrow, and I'd gladly accepted.

  Reaching home, he pulls into the garage, and helps me get Angelo out, and his things from the trunk.

  The house was quite when I entered and see there’s no one around apart from them. It’s the first time in months.

  Carlos has left a note on the kitchen counter, letting us know he gone away for his annual holiday. He'd asked us permission weeks ago.

  Not sure where the rest of the family were, but grateful for the chance to be alone time with Xavier after such a long time. I carry the sleeping Angelo up to his nursery and went to our room and slip a little something I'd ordered online on for Xavier.

  I send Xavier a text, not wanting to wake Angelo up shouting him.

  I hear Xavier come up a few minutes later, and lay down on the bed.

  He enters the room looking confused, seeing me his eyes go wide and he gulps, swallowing nervously.

  "Wow!? You look... amazing." He says moving closer.

  I smile, and motion to him. He stares down at himself confused for a minute, before a knowing smirk spreads across his face.
  Taking hardly any time at all, he strips and is standing before me his glorious nakedness, and I give him a lecherous look, ready to grab him.

  I stood up and grab him and pull him to the bed, no longer nervous.

  We spend most of the afternoon together getting to know each other again, and this time I make sure Xavier uses protection, not ready just yet for another baby.

  At around 4pm, I heard Angelo make low sounds through his monitor. I got up with my legs feeling jelly and slip on Xavier's shirt and button it up.

  Going into his room, I see him laid wide awake looking around him. Seeing me he then smiles and babbles seems like he’s trying to say something to me.

  "Hello, baby boy. Did you have a good nap? I bet my baby's hungry, huh?" I coo at him happily.

  Lifting him from his crib and carrying him to his changing table, I get him cleaned up and carry him back to our room.

  Xavier's still sleeping when I went over. I sat beside him and lifted the shirt and let Angelo latch on happily.

  He always seems to enjoy feeding from me, more than he does when I express bottles for him. But it's easier for me to express, so these times I have the chance, he makes the most of.

  After I've fed Angelo, I head downstairs feeling hungry. I grab anything that seems delicious---though I know that everything Carlos prepares is real delicious. Seeing the fridge fully stocked, I know he really does prepare before he left for his vacation.

  I was warming some of the foods when Xavier comes down in just his boxers, making me want to drool.

  He comes over and wraps his arms around me, kissing me on top of the head.

  "Hey,tesoro, it smells great in here. How are you feeling?" He asks me, making me blush.

  "Fine, baby, just a little sore. I'm good though, it's a very good soreness." I smile at him, and he smirks at me knowingly.

  Ignoring him and dishing the food out, I hand him a bowl and take mine to the table.

  We both sit facing each other and started eating.

  After eating, we decided to enjoy ourselves to the pool. I left Angelo with Xavier to slip on a bikini and grab the things I needed to take Angelo to the pool with me.