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Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Page 8

  "Yes, if you want to have me, I’m more than willing to oblige, Xavier."

  "Good. Come on, let's get out of here. I want to get you home where the both of you both truly belong." He replies, helping me out of bed carefully.

  I'm thankfully still dressed in my clothes except my sandals and Mel puts them on for me so I don't have to bend over. I smile at her gratefully, and Xavier hands me my bag.

  We slowly make our way to the parking lot and notice his signature black car. He helps me into the back seat, surprising me by getting in beside me and handing the keys over to Mel.

  "You drive tonight, Mel. I want to spend some time withmio amore." He replies huskily, causing Mel to fake gag at us both.

  Driving home in Xavier's arms, I finally fully relax for the first time in months and fall to sleep feeling whole again.


  I was forced to wake up as I feel my urinary bladder about to burst.Trying to get up, I realise I'm trapped by Xavier's caged-like arms. What a good cage it is.

  Wiggling to try get loose, I finally manage to get off the bed and rush to the bathroom to do my business. Once I'm done, I realise we're at Xavier's house. Looking in the mirror, I groan loudly. My hair looks like a bird just nested on it overnight.

  I take a warm shower and feel relaxed as the warm water drops on me.

  Once out and dried, I wrap the towel around me and rush into Xavier’s closet to borrow some clothes from him.

  I enter his walk-in closet and freezesas I bang my face to Xavier’s half-naked chest. I looked up and we stare at each other for quite a minute before Xavier moves to me quickly grabbing me around the waist gently.

  "Mio amore, good morning." He says smiling at me.

  "Morning. I thought you're still sleeping. You didn't stir when I left the bed. I was going to make us some breakfast." I reply, leaning against him.

  He's staring at me again, and I'm not sure why.

  He gives me a quick kiss, startling me then moves back and looks at me as if gauging my reaction. I pull him closer and kiss him, showing how much I missed him.

  He groans and picks me up, making me squeal in shock, wrapping my legs around him as best as I could with my bump and cling onto his shoulders tightly. He laughs at me and carries me back into the bedroom.

  Placing me gently down onto the bed, he crawls over me and leans down to kiss me.

  He releases my lips quickly and starts kissing a hot trail down my neck and collar bone, making me shiver.

  "Do you want me, mio amore?" He asks me nervously.

  "Always." I reply honestly.

  He smirks at me and leans down capturing one of my nipples into his mouth, making me moan out loud.

  He reaches down between us, and groans when he feels how wet I already am for him.

  He runs his finger up and down my folds as he continues to entertain my nipples with his playful tongue and I pant as he brings me to the edge.

  I reach down and start my own teasing, squeezing his hard length gently in my hand, making him moan.

  "Have a care, tesoro. I can't wait. I need to be inside you. Say yes, cara?" He asks me.

  "Yes, Xavier. Yes?" I reply, nearly close to pleading.

  He reaches down and places himself at my entrance, pushing inside gently. I gasp at how hard he is, and can't help the moans he causes as he starts to move quickly.

  He brings me to heaven as we both meet our climax again and again, and I'm a complete bag of bones when he finally finishes with me the last time.

  We lay there panting heavily and I try to relearn how to breathe properly again.

  "God, mio amore you're amazing." Xavier replies, grinning.

  "God, I can't move. I've missed you so much, Xavier. I'm so sorry for doubting you. I love you, baby." I reply feeling my eyes tear up at all the wasted time we'd been away from each other.

  He kisses me gently, and hugs me to him closely.

  "I'll never let you go cara, you're mine. And I’ll do everything not to lose you again."

  "I'm not going anywhere." I promise him.

  We lay there wrapped in each other’s arms when jb wakes up and kicks, causing Xavier to yell shocked.

  "Was that the baby?" He asked awed.

  "Yeah, he's awake and kicking. Probably hungry." I reply amused.

  Xavier places his hand in the place jb kicked and is rewarded with two hard thumps. I watch him as he puts his head onto my stomach and starts talking rapidly in Italian to my bump sweetly.1

  I can't believe he missed out on so muchall because of that two people I should not waste my time even thinking of.

  He gets up suddenly and pulls me up after him. Leading me to the closet, he hands me a pair of boxers and one of his tops that comes to my knees.

  Pulling them on I watched him get dress, not taking my eyes off him even once. He really is the sexiest specimen of a man and he's all mine! I grin goofily at my thoughts, feeling happy.

  "You ready, cara?" He asks me once he's ready.

  Nodding, I follow him downstairs with the grin still on my face.

  Making our way into the kitchen, I see Mel and Carlos chatting away happily. Seeing me they both stop and smile at us.

  "Ah Miss Stewart, it's so good to have you back here. Are you hungry for anything specific?" Carlos asks me.

  "No, anything’s good. And I'm glad to be back too, Carlos."

  Xavier helps me up onto the stool and sits close next to me and pecks me on the cheek.

  Carlos comes over and places a plate in front of me, piled high with bacon, eggs, sausages, and mushrooms. My mouth waters instantly, thanking him, I dig in starving.

  It doesn't take me very long to finish, while Xavier's only half way through his. I grab some toast from the wrack Carlos had set butter two slices;add some jam and eating them, too.

  After eating, I went over to the coffee pot and get a large cup of coffee, adding two sugars and some cream to it. Doctor Smith had advised me to only have one, or two cups of coffee a day to be safe and so thus I value the ones I had.3

  I leisurely sip at it while leaning against the counter, making every drop of it feels my mouth.

  "I didn't think you could have coffee while pregnant?" Mel asks me confused.

  I mock glare at her and stick my tongue out as Xavier stops eating and looks at me.

  "It's perfectly fine," I assured them, "I asked my doctor and she advised me to only have two cups a day. I can't give it up completely without feeling awful, and she admitted that wouldn't be good for jb either. So I get my coffee."

  Mel nods and seems to be storing the information away. Xavier smiles at me and continues with his breakfast.

  Finishing my coffee too quickly, I place my cup into the sink and go sit by the windows, looking out at how beautiful it is here.

  Mel comes over to join me, and places her hands gently onto my bump.

  Jb kicks her hand instantly and she smiles widely at me.

  "Is he awake a lot?" She asks me curious.

  "Yeah, but he's active on and off all through the day. It's a pain when he's up kicking at 3a.m, and I can't sleep for him booting my ribs."

  She nods, and moves her hand to see if jb would follow the movement. Laughing loudly when he does, I smile at her softly.

  Xavier comes over and joins us, placing his hand at the opposite side, and we spend around an hour just feeling jb kick.

  Jb eventually goes to sleep, and we all move out into the garden. It's only around 10a.m. but it’s terribly hot outside.

  "Xavier? Can we have a barbecue later? I could just eat some grilled meat and veggies."

  He nods, and goes inside to ask Carlos if we have anything to grill.

  He comes back out frowning.

  "We'll have to go shopping, that's if you want to go? Mel and I can go ourselves. I don't want to tire you out?" He asks concerned.

  "I'll be fine going shopping. As long as we go soon, the heat will be awful later, and I'm not supposed to be out a lot while it'
s hot." I explain to them both.

  Xavier goes to the garage, and returns with my suit case from my house, and I smile gratefully at him.

  "Mel got them while you were in the hospital. You'll need something other than my clothes to wear to the shops." Xavier replies amused.

  He carries my big blue case up to his room and places it down by the bed for me to look inside.

  I got a teal blue, maternity summer dress and pull Xavier's top off and take some panties and a bra from the case, too.

  Pulling them all on, I walk to the mirror and stare at myself.

  My bump is pretty huge now, and there's no mistaking that I'm pregnant anymore. I look pretty in this colour too. I can’t help to smile as I grab myself a brush and run it quickly through my hair. Leaving it loose down my back, I turn to find Xavier watching me with a small smile on his face.

  "Ready, cara?" He asks me, coming over to me.

  "Nearly," I reply bending down, and grabbing some nice blue sandals I'd bought to match the dress.

  Putting them on, I got my bag from where Xavier had placed it by the bed and turned to him kissing him quickly.

  He was already dressed in some fitted jeans, and a blue top that showed hi muscular physique. He looked good enough to eat, and it took a lot of effort to go downstairs and out to the garage without jumping him.

  These damn hormones will be the death of me, I'm sure.

  Mel was already in the garage waiting for them. She had on a cute pair of cream khaki shorts and a brown strap top, with matching sandals.

  "Finally! What took you so long?" She asks us as soon as we enter.

  "I was getting ready. It's hard trying to look pretty while I feel like a whale. So suck it, buttercup and go be skinny over there." I reply pointing to the other side of the car.

  She stares at me as if I have two heads before she and Xavier burst out a loud laugh at me.

  Opening the car door and ignoring them, I climb in, placing my bag by my feet and wait for them both to get in.

  Xavier gets in smiling widely, and leans over me.

  "I don’t think you look any nearer to a whale, mio amore. You look so beautiful to me every time I set my eyes on you, especially so while carrying our son." He replies sounding sincere about it.

  I kiss quickly and give him a cute wink.

  Mel sends me sheepish smile through the mirror and I stick my tongue out at her childishly and smirk. It seems like sticking my tongue out has been my favourite manner lately.

  We soon arrive at the store.Mel grabs a cart from near the doors, racing off towards the meat section eagerly.While Xavier grabs me and wraps his arms around my waist possessively.

  When we catch up to her, she's already filled the cart up half way. Thankfully she'd got everything I wanted to get.

  As we make our way to the counter, an old lady stops me and asks me if she can touch my bump, shocking me. Nodding at her, she places her hand gently against it and laughs when jb responds with a hearty kick.

  After thanking me, she goes off shopping again, leaving us all staring after her confused.

  "Does that happen a lot?" Xavier asks sounding curious.

  "Nope. No one's been bothered before."

  He nods, and goes to help Mel load everything onto the conveyer belt. After everything's bagged up and paid for, we put the bags into the trolley and Xavier wheels it out to the car. I have to use the restroom before we leave, and Mel comes along with me.

  After doing my business, we head outside to Xavier.

  Finding him quickly, we both groan when we see him surrounded by paparazzi.

  Surprisingly though he's not scowling at them, and actually smiles as they take pictures.

  As we approach, he turns to us and smiles widely. We then got their attention and we were now bombarded with questions.

  Xavier protectively leads me into the car not letting any of the reporters touch the tip of my finger.

  "Wow, they're out in force again, huh?" I ask him nervously, as we make our way out of the parking lot.

  "Yes. After Xander made his speech yesterday; and some of us and the kid got printed, well now, we're big news, everyone seems to feel sorry for us and Xander and that woman are receiving very bad press over it at the minute."

  I shake my head annoyed and lean back tiredly.

  As we make our way home, I start to feel sleepy and lean back more, closing my eyes.


  I woke up with Xavier’s gentle taps as I realize we finally arrived. He then helps me into the house as he and Mel bring the groceries into the kitchen and Carlos starts putting them away. Feeling hungry again, I grab a few raw carrots from the pack I'd bought and munch away unconsciously rubbing my stomach.

  Mel goes upstairs and seems like talking to someone on her phone, while Xavier goes out and sets up the grill for later.

  After eating my carrots, I head up to Xavier's room and search around for a bikini to put on. Finding an old one in the drawers, I try it on and groan. My boobs have gotten bigger with being pregnant but I don’t have another swim suit other than this, and really wanted to go into the pool. Going to my case, I find a strap top to cover myself up with for now, and head back down to the garden.

  Mel's already in the pool when I pass by wearing a bright pink bikini, I wave at her as she's still on the phone; a brave thing to do really, I'm completely clumsy and would drop it immediately.

  Heading out to Xavier, I see him getting the grill to fire and smile at the wonderful charcoal smell.

  "Hey tesoro, you okay?" He asks, as I walk to him and wrap my arms around him.

  Resting my head on his back, I nod and sniff the sweet fragrance coming in his back and feeling content.

  He chuckles, and turns around and hugs me back, kissed my forehead and pulls me closer to him as we stand holding each other in the sunshine.

  Hearing a loud crash, I jump shocked, and we both swivel around to see the back of a reporter running away.

  "Damn, they just don't give up, do they?" I hear Mel ask annoyed from behind us and shake my head annoyed.

  "Nope, they are certainly persistent. At least they didn't see much, huh?" I ask aloud.

  Xavier kisses me again, before letting me go, turning to check on the grill.

  Mel goes back into the pool room and I followedher.

  I slowly take a stroll to the edge and sit beside the pool. I slide forwards and slip slowly into the water.

  It's warm when I get in and I feel jb wake up and start kicking, making me laugh. This is the first time I've been in a pool, since he started kicking and moving around.

  Leaning against the edge, I shut my eyes and relax. Hearing movement next to me, I peak an eye open and see Xavier sat on the tiles beside my head, his jeans rolled up, swinging loosely his bare feet in the pool beside me.

  "Comfy, mio amore?" He asks me and I nod smiling.

  My phone rings but I’m still on the phone so Xavier gets up and passes it to me. I eye it, and warily look at the water; like I said earlier, I'm really bad with dropping things.

  Taking it reluctantly, I answer it seeing that it's Alexa.

  I haven't spoken to her much lately, she must be mad at me after finding out I’m pregnant through the media, rather than me telling her.

  "Hello?" I ask into the phone.

  "Aria, how are you? I saw the news yesterday, is it true?" She asks me.

  "Yeah, it's true Alexa, why?" I ask tiredly.

  "Nothing, I just wanted to know. So are you two back together now?" She asks me rudely and I frown at my phone.

  "Yes, we are. Why are you asking again?" I ask starting to get annoyed with how she's talking to me.

  "He's stupid then, isn't he? I would have been a better choice for him. You aren't good enough, Arianna. Did he tell you I visited him while you ran off? I tried to help him with his grief, but he was too caught up on you to do anything with me." She replies stunning me.1

  "How could you?! You're supposed to be my friend and
you do this? Stay the fuck away from my man, you little woman." I scream down the phone at her.

  I hear her laugh at me, and feel my temper rise.

  I hurl the phone at the wall even before ending the call and I turn to see Mel and Xavier watching me warily.

  I look at Xavier and I frown at him.

  "Why didn't you tell me? God, I hate her so much right now. Is she still working as your PA?"

  He nods, almost reluctantly and I scream loudly making them both jump, shocked.

  I hurriedly went out of the pool and went into the house, I go up to our room, and lay down trying to calm myself not caring that I'm wetting everything.

  Xavier comes in soon after and sits beside me cautiously.

  "I'm sorry, cara. I didn't want to upset you. She's still working as my PA only because I haven't got a credible reason to fire her and she knows it. As soon as she fucks up, I'll send her out on her arse faster than she can blink, I promise." He says gently.

  Convinced by his long line, I nod and close my eyes, still feeling upset. She's been my best friend for five years. I trusted her like family and had done loads for her. Now she's dead to me, I don't need jealous people like that in my life.2

  Xavier lies down next to me for a little while before the smell of grilled meat fills my nose, making my stomach growl loudly.

  Xavier chuckles and helps me off the bed.

  "Come on, tesoro. Let's feed our jelly bean." He laughs and pulls me out the door and into the garden.

  When we get outside we see Carlos grilling the food, wearing an explicit apron that makes me giggle.

  Mel's sitting on the large wooden table and to my surprise Andre, Amanda and Xander are all there, too.

  I look at Xavier who's eyeing Xander angrily, and lean over planting a soft kiss on his cheek, turning his attention back to me.

  He grabs my hand and leads me to an empty chair beside Amanda.

  Amanda and Andre both get up and hug me tightly before I sit down, making me smile.

  "Wow, Aria look at your bump!? It's so big now." Andre calls out excitedly, making me glare at him in annoyance, much to everyone's amusement.

  "Shut up, Andre or you'll be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of your stay here." Xavier jokingly threatens him as I put an evil grin at him to back that point up.