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Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Page 3

  He nods, and looks over at me.

  "So what position did you work as for John?" He asks me.2

  "I’m his personal assistant for four years. I consider him as a father after I lose my Dad years ago from a car accident. He and Margaret became like an extended family to me. I loved my job too, but I'll be okay, I've been applying everywhere, so we'll see." I reply shrugging.

  I can feel his stare on me as we drive down the freeway, but ignore it and just stare out into the blackness.

  We reach my house quickly, and he went out to open the door for me to my surprise.

  "Thank you for the ride, and for ear. I'm sorry if I spoiled your night out." I say embarrassed.

  "It was my pleasure, cara. You didn't spoil my evening. Anyway, I have work tomorrow so you just save me from a drink. And you were fine, I asked you questions anyway.

  “Good night, Arianna, and good luck with your job hunting." He replies and gets back into his car and went away.

  I walk to my doors when I realized I didn’t have his name!

  After changing I immediately collapse into my bed and fall asleep while my thoughts wander to those dreamy blue eyes, and a mysterious dark haired man.


  The next few days run so smooth and quiet. I didn’t hear much about the job applications I tried to put out, and for that, I am feeling more and more depressed each passing day. It was now Saturday, and I decided to stop moping around the house and go out.

  I change into my usual skinny jeans and put on a pair of leather boots and match with my purple long sleeved top. Brushing my hair out, I leave it down and grab my leather jacket, leaving off the makeup.

  Today, I decided to go shopping. I was bored and needed a few things anyway.

  After I'd shopped for a few hours, I got back into my car and drove to a nice little bistro along the river.

  After being lead to an empty table, I ordered a Coke and waited for her to return with it. Scanning the menu I decided on a steak with fries; screw eating salad, I wasn't a rabbit.4

  "Can I take your order, miss?" The waitress asks as she places my Coke down.

  "Yeah, I get the steak, medium rare with chunky chips please, and a side order of steamed vegetables, too?" I ask her politely.1

  Her eyes widen slightly, but she nods and goes to hand in my order.

  Why do people think me eating loads is a bad thing? Sure I'm in pretty good shape, but that's just good genes. Plus I don't always eat crappie either.

  My meal arrives shortly after.I am about to finished when I hear someone call my name.

  I turned around and spotted a man who'd given me a lift home. Waving slightly at him and the pretty lady he's with, I watch as he makes his way over.

  "Hello cara, goodto see you here. Mel, this is Arianna Stewart, Arianna, this is my sister, Melinda." he replies introducing us.

  "Hi, it’s nice to meet you Melinda." I reply nervous.

  "Hi, you work for Steele industries, right?" She asked excitedly. "You’re the one who saved John, didn’t you?!" she asked in a lively tone.

  "Uhm, yeah I saved John's life that day. And, no, I no longer work with them.” I reply quickly.

  "Oh, I'm so sorry," she replies, flushing red.

  "That's fine, I'll manage anyway. So do you have a table booked, or something?" I ask them.

  "No, I was hoping it wouldn't be so busy today, my mistake I guess. See you around, Arianna." He replies, and turns to leave.

  "Why not join me, if you'd like? I'm alone, so there's plenty of room." I offer them.

  He turns and smiles widely at me, making my heart stutter.

  "Thank you, cara, we'd really appreciate it." He tells me smiling brightly.

  They both take a seat, and I motion for the waitress to come over to take their order. I'm shocked when they both order what I'm eating, and are served quickly.

  "So Arianna, how did you and Xavier met?" She asks me and I turn red, much to Xavier's amusement.

  "You okay?" She asks concerned.

  "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Well, we met through Alexander, at a club last week." I reply honestly.

  "You weren't one of his hook ups, were you?" She demands suddenly angry.

  I choke on mid-air and gape at her, while Xavier busts out laughing.

  "No! Why would you think that?" I ask, offended slightly.

  She flushes, and smiles sheepishly at me.

  "Sorry. He's just never introduced me to a woman he knows before." She replies, shrugging at me.

  "Well we’re not really that acquainted." I answered in silent quibble. "Until you told me his name, I didn't even know his name, so thanks for introducing him, Melinda." I say, sending a scowl Xavier's way.

  He's sat watching us both, with a weird smirk on his face.

  "You're awful, Xavier," she scolds him. "So you met at the club, and then what?" she prompts.

  "I drove her home after she got into an argument with Alex, she was too drunk to drive herself, so I offered." He says nonchalantly.

  "Okay then." Melinda replies smiling.

  "So Arianna what have you been up to today?" She asks.

  "I just did this and that. I did some shopping earlier. I have no plans later, so probably just watch Netflix and eat junk." I say unfazed.

  She blinks at me like a deer in headlights.

  "Wow, I can't believe you just admitted that." She replies laughing.

  "What, why? It's true." I say shrugging.

  "I like you Arianna, you're different from the other girls," she tells me happily. "Can I maybe join you later? I'm new in town, and don't know anyone yet." She asks me, sounding hopeful.

  "Uhm sure, I'd love to have a company. Do you want the address, or do you still remember mine?" I ask Xavier.

  "I remember," He says, grinning at something.

  "Okay then, come over whenever. I'm going home after here, so any time’s fine."1

  She nods, and we both order dessert, much to Xavier's amusement.

  I get brownies and ice cream, while Melinda gets a banana split, and we both end up sharing it with each other.

  It's weird, but it feels like we've known each other for years, not just an hour.

  After paying, we bid our goodbyes, and after swapping numbers with Melinda, I drive home feeling happy for the first time after quite a week.

  Maybe my life was starting to look up again!


  Later that evening I got a text from an unknown number informing me that they'd be dropping Melinda off in around an hour. They willbe stopping for pizza on the way and asked if I wanted anything for myself. I texted back and greedily ask for a small pepperoni and mushroom, then went to take a quick shower.

  I put on some sweats and a tank top once I was dried and walked barefooted into the lounge and set up the Netflix.

  Grabbing two Cokes from the fridge, and I made some popcorn to match it up and placed it into a bowl, and carried it through to the lounge, too.

  Hearing the doorbell I run hurriedly to door smiling excitedly, only for the smile to drop off my face.

  Alexander stood there with a black look to my grimace, and I seriously considered about slamming the door into his face.

  "Yes?" I still managed to remain calm.

  "Why are you hanging around with Xavier? He's our business rival, and I don't want you talking to him." He demands in great fury.

  "How dare of you tell me what to do?! He isn't my rival, Alexander and you already fired me,remember, thus I am no longer with you. And I thought you were friends? So what’s the act?!" I responded sarcastically. "Now what I do, or who I hang around with has nothing to do with you. Please leave and don't come back, I have no reasons to see you anymore." I reply angrily.3

  Before I can react, he has pressed me against the door and his mouth harshly smashed against mine. I struggle and try to get him off of me, but he’s just too strong to be yielded away. Struggling more as he forces his tongue into my mouth, I gag and try desperately to push him off of

  Thankfully he's quickly pulled away, and I hear him mumble in pain. Melinda rushes to me as I collapse sobbing.10

  "Jesus Aria, are you okay?" She asks hugging me.

  I felt bad as I watch Xavier and Alexander fight. Even if they were business rivals, they are still friends afterall.

  "I thought it was you at the door," I tell her between sobs. "He just grabbed me after I told him to go away. He wouldn't let me go, and wouldn't stop!"

  Xavier gets up, as Alexander runs to his car bleeding and looking pissed. He then quickly came over to me after Alexander completely driven away.

  "I'm sorry we didn’t come sooner, cara did he hurt you?" He asks me seriously.

  "No, he just forcefully kissed me but I wasn't strong enough to budge him off, I'm so glad you came when you did." I tell him extremely grateful.

  "I'm sorry I didn't do more damage to him, cara." He goes back to the car and returns carrying three pizza boxes, and a bottle of Coke under his arm.4

  "Is it alright to join you? I’m thinking to go home after I drop Melinda but I'd prefer to stay here now." He asks me gently.

  "Sure, yeah, that's fine." I tell him and let them both in.

  Melinda swiftly flops onto the sofa, eating her pizza.

  "Do you have anything you want to watch?" She calls as I head into the kitchen.

  "No, anything’s good. Just nothing too scary ‘cause I'm a wimp living alone." I reply deadly serious.

  I hear her giggle, and turn smiling to grab some plates.

  "You want a plate, Xavier?" I ask him.

  I know he's behind me, I can feel his eyes on me.

  "Please, cara." He says quietly.7

  I hand him one, and start dishing mine out.

  "Are you really okay, cara?" He asks me gently, he's standing beside me now staring at me carefully.

  "Yeah, I believe. I'm just upset because he thought he could get away with it," I tell him really pissed off. "Plus he stole my first kiss, too." I said almost whispering.5

  Xavier's eyes widen, before he pace closer.

  "May I kiss you, cara? To show you how it should really be done. We can't have that as something to compare to, don’t you think so?" He asks in a husky and deep voice.4

  I blush as I find no word to response instead, I nod slightly and he gently turns me to face him.

  He slowly leans down to me and gently presses his lips to mine, making me gasp. He takes advantage of it, and moved his tongue forward against mine. Instead of feeling nasty like it did with Alexander, this felt nice, and I responded greedily. Slowly imitating and following his every move.

  We were put into stop when Melinda interrupts, asking what's taking us so long.

  Breaking apart we're both panting, and my face is on fire.

  "Wow," I hear him groan in great desire and watch as he adjusts his trousers, making me flush brighter.

  "Date me, cara?" He asks me.

  "Okay." I reply shyly.

  "Good, I only do exclusive relationships though, cara. Now that we both agreed to date, you are mine. If you have any clingy ex’s, then let me know now." He says sounding completely serious.

  "I don't have any ex's. I've never dated anyone before." I reply feeling slightly ashamed.

  "Wow, where are you hiding all this time? How could they haven’t notice you at all? You are so beautiful, cara." He whispers, and kisses me again lightly.

  "No one’s interested in me before." I reply quietly.

  "But I do?" He asks, sounding smug.

  I can’t look at him in the eyes. I just nod and grab my pizza and hurriedly went into the lounge like an escaping kid caught off guard, I heard his soft chuckle as I went away.

  Melinda seems like to tease me that she has chosen a scary movie called 'paranormal activity', and I have no choice but to helplessly glare at her as she starts it up.

  Xavier comes in carrying his plate, and sits beside me closely. I feel nervous at the close contact, but try my best to be composed.

  Once we'd finished the movie---leaving me slightly traumatised experience, she thankfully selects a comedy and we all laugh our asses off at it.

  Around eleven o’clock when Melinda falls to sleep on the sofa, and I get Xavier to carry her up to a spare room instead of waking her. When he returns he grabs me gently, and pulls me towards him, kissing me again thoroughly.

  Things get heated quickly, when he pulls away unwillingly.

  "Cara. Are you a virgin?" He asks in a soothing voice as he rests his forehead against mine.2

  "Yes." I reply feeling conscious.

  He gesture his head at me as he nods, and seems delighted.

  "Good. Have you ever gone further than just kissing before?" He asks curiosly.15

  "Uhm, no."Obviously.

  "Would you like me to show you? No worry I won't go all the way, I know you aren't ready yet, just let me make you feel good?" He asks.

  I unsurely nod but definitely more than willing to oblige to his request. He stands and I take his hand as he leads me up to my bedroom.

  He started kissing me again the moment we entered the room making me want to squirm for no reason.

  As he continues to kiss me, he started to gently remove my top leaving me in my bra, he asks permission to undo my bra, and I smiled give him a soft kiss on his nape as a response.

  He then starts to remove it quickly, leaving my top half completely bare to the world.

  I motion to his shirt, and he smirks at me as he helps me get rid of it.

  I stare at his amazing chest down to his abs, and gently run my fingers shyly down to him.

  He shudders and imprisons my hand in his, he lays me flat on my back and bent down capturing one of my nipples in his mouth gently, causing me to cry out, surprised by the sudden ecstasy it brought to me.

  He then grabs the other, and starts rolling it between his fingers, his touch and every stroke of his fingers are teasing making me groan more. He reaches down to my sweats, and got rid of it leaving me in my panties.

  "I'm gonna to touch you with my fingers, okay baby? I won't hurt you though, I promise."His assurance is firm but the desire in his voice cannot be hidden.

  "Okay." I mumble flustered.

  He puts his hand under my panties, and I squirm at the feelings he just brought.

  He runs his fingers over my folds, and I gasp in shock at how very good it feels.

  I start bucking my hips wildly when he circles one spot over, and over quickly, and can feel something starting to build. Just as I'm about to mention it, I tense and shudder violently, at the intense pleasure that's now coursing through me.

  "Ohh god. Xavier!" I shout loudly, and continue bucking violently as he continues his torture.

  I orgasm again quickly after, and am left the feeling like I’m dwelling in the sky reaching with the stars. I feel satisfied but want more, I feel like I want him to fill me up and grab him cautiously through his trousers.

  He's so hard and big, and he groans loudly when I touch him.

  "Please, cara. Stop what you’re doing. I may not control myself." He begs to me panting.

  "Xavier, please? I want you." I confess shyly.

  He stares at me shocked.

  "Are you sure, tesoro? I can wait. We don't have to rush anything." He looks at me directly in the eyes with deep seriousness in his voice.

  "Please Xavier, I really need you." I beg desperately while pulling him down to her.

  He growls, and stands up. In a swift, he strips his jeans and boxers and is standing there in front of me totally naked.

  He crawls back onto the bed and removes my panties, leaning down he starts kissing along my thighs in between of it, making me cry out as he teases me more.

  "Please! Please Xavier?" I beg him, desperate.

  He leans over me, and captures my lips in a gentle kiss. I can feel him positioning himself up against me.

  "This will hurt cara. I'll try my best to be gentle," He seems to give me a warning but I did
n’t pay attention to his warn. He started shoving into me and fills me up.

  I tense, and shout out at the pain I felt, trying my best to relax. Having him inside me so deep feels weird; but it's amazingly weird.

  "I'm so sorry tesoro, are you okay?" He asks me as his concerned eyes gaze at me.

  In response I lift my hips and start moving against him, following his lead and copying his every move making both of us groan. He starts moving again, causing me to moan louder. We find a rhythm that has us both moaning and he brings me to orgasm over and over, leaving me feeling shattered.3

  We both finish together, and lay there trying my best to relearn how to breathe again.

  I can't believe I just did what I did, not even in my wildest imagination would I ever do something like that but I am so glad I did, Xavier was absolutely amazing!

  He rolls to the side, sliding out of me, and causing me to wince.1

  "Did I hurt you, tesoro?" He asks me sounding concerned.1

  "No, I'm good, just a little sore." I reply, blushing at him.

  "You're amazing, cara. I know this is not a good time, but cara, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me hopefully. 18

  I smile, and lean over to kiss him gently.

  "Of course Xavier, I'm all yours."

  He grins and grabs me around the waist, pulling me against him. I snuggle up to him feeling content.

  We both fall asleep quickly, unaware of Melinda grinning from ear to ear happily in the next room.


  The next morning after an extra-long shower with Xavier, we both went out from my bedroom to find an overly energetic Melinda making breakfast.

  "Hi guys!" She chirps happily at us.

  "Morning Mel, did you sleep okay?" I ask her politely, as she hands me a plate of pancakes and bacon.

  "No not really, I got woken up by noise coming up from something banging against the wall. But hey! I'm just so happy for you guys, so it's all good." She cheekily replies, causing me to choke on the pancake I was eating.