Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 2

  We step out of the lift when I go light headed, and stumble slightly but before I can fall go reunion with the ground which is waiting for me, I was saved and gently righted.

  I turned around and found Margaret's son gently helping me go restore my upright position once again.

  "Thanks." I mumble embarrassed.

  "It's fine." He replies in a deep voice.

  "You sure you're good enough Arianna?" asked Margaret with a concern voice. "You can visit John another day, we can go back to your room if you need to?"

  I shake my head hard in disagreement, and we set off down the corridor to John's room.

  I notice the two men who were there the day John got brought in were here, and stiffened up remembering their nastiness from last time.

  They look away, as I enter and Margaret frowns at them.

  "Arianna! How are you? I'm so sorry you were hurt dear, but thank you for saving me. You're an angel." He says making me blush brightly.

  "Thanks John, I had to stop you falling and hitting your head somehow. I'll be fine anyway I have a hard head." I reply, giving him a smile.

  The doors opens behind me, and the room goes silent as someone comes in. I hear someone clear their throat loudly and freeze up, debating whether to turn or not.

  "Miss Stewart? I thought I told you to stay in bed and rest?" The Doctor from earlier demanded.1

  I stride to the empty seat beside John's bed, I turn to the Doctor and point to the chair.

  "See I am resting. Look all rested?" I reply smiling at him.

  He scowls at me, and continues giving me an angry glare.

  "You aren't well enough to be walking about the hospital. Why didn't you take your pain meds?" He asks annoyed.

  "Because I know they’dknocked me out again. No thanks, I'll deal with the pain for now." I reply honestly.

  I seem to hear him say something indistinctively sounded like '"Idiot" under his breath before, checking on John.5

  John is watching me frowning, and I smile sheepishly at him.

  "Arianna if you need to rest, go. I'm fine now dear, go and take your meds." He replies gently.

  "Okay. I'm going to grab something to eat first though. There's no way I'm eating the food here, it's vile." I say standing up.1

  As I attempt to stand, I unsteadily teeter and the Doctor rushes to help me get steady again.

  "Miss Stewart, go to your room right now! You still aren't well enough, can one of you take her downstairs?" he asks loudly. "Someone go grab a wheelchair from a nurse first, please?" He once again demanded.

  I heard someone went out of the room, as he help me sits back down.

  "I'm fine! I don't need a damn wheelchair! I can walk on my own. Now move! I just felt light headed from not eating in nearly a week. That’s it. Other than that, I can do fine!" I protested.

  Margaret comes back in wheeling a chair, and I groan loudly.

  I stand and the Doctor still helps me into it despite my stubborn protest, Margaret's son takes it from her and wheels me from the room.

  "Bye John, take care. I'll visit you tomorrow," I call to him as I'm leaving, much to the Doctor's disapproval.

  "Bye Arianna. Be good and rest." he says smiling at me.

  "Uh-huh, sure will." I reply with a sweet smile.

  He grins at me and shakes his head.

  I stayed quietuntil we get into the elevator then press the button for the ground floor where I know the cafeteria is located.

  Margaret made a face upon my action, but I pretend not to notice anything. I'm wheeled into the room and my stomach growls loudly, much to my embarrassment.

  "What do you want? I'll go get it, Mom stay with her please?" He asks and turns to me expectantly.

  "Two large cheese burgers, large fries and a Coke, oh and a large white chocolate cookie, a large coffee with cream and two sugars." I reply seriously.

  He gaped at me, and shook his head before walking off, leaving me smirking.

  "Margaret? Who the hell is he?" I ask her as soon as he walked away. Annoyance is in my tone.

  "That's Alexander, he’s my eldest son, he's thirty. He was visiting us when John fell sick. He does not talk much, which makes him seems rude. Sorry about that." She replies.

  "Okay. Do you have any aspirin, or anything? My head is pounding right now." I ask weakly.

  She search through her bag, and found a bottle of painkiller and immediately hands them to me. I gladly take two swallowing them without water I'm that desperate. I lean back in the chair and rest my eyes for a bit until the food arrives.

  The next thing I'm aware ofis that someone's gently nudging me.

  I looked up and saw Margaret looking down at me worriedly, and realize Alexander is back with the food.

  "Sorry, must of dozed off, I feel fine now though, thanks for the aspirin." I mumble quietly.

  Alexander hands me my mountain of food, and I immediately dig in. It doesn't take me very long to finish it all, much to Margaret and Alexander's amusement.

  I sit back, feeling completely full.

  "Thanks. I'll pay you back when I get my purse." I reply firmly.

  "No need. That's on me." He replies seriously.

  Not wanting to argue I ask to go back to my room, and soon I'm climbing gratefully into bed.

  The nurse comes in handing me two pain pills, and I take them immediately with no complaint.

  I fall to sleep listening to Alexander and Margaret talking quietly.


  I was officially released from the hospital just after dinner. It seems I’ve been away from so long. My brother Marcus comes in to pick me up and drops me off home, he pledged to come to check me up in the evening, but knowing him, I didn’t really put my hopes high. I ordered some groceries online then went to take a long shower, this time my doctor allowed me to wash my hair.

  I got a satin pyjama shorts and a matching tank top from my closet, then dry my hair and tie it up into a ponytail

  Turned on my Netflix, sat onto my sofa and order a pizza. I’m enjoying myself on the movie when I heard the doorbell. Thinking it’s the pizza man I hurriedly grab a twenty on my wallet and open the door.

  Just to be surprise upon opening the door---it was not the pizza man whom I was expecting but the serious face of Alexander Steele.

  "Oh sorry, it’s you. I ordered a pizza just a while ago, I thought it already arrived. Uhm, do you want to come in, maybe?" I ask still bewildered by his sudden appearance.

  He moved forward as he answers with his deep and rough voice, “Yeah. Sorry to disturb you so late, I just want to talk to you about something.”

  I step aside as he moved inside, just as the anticipated pizza boy arrives. His eyes widen as he examines my appearance, but I'm too tired and too hungry to be bothered.

  "Anything else you want, Miss?" he asks in full lascivious voice. "Anything at all?" he continues. "Uh, no, thanks. Here's thetwenty, keep the change." I replied in a quite annoyed tone.

  Seeing Alexander looking and waiting at me in the hallway, I slammed close the door behind.

  I walk into my kitchen and place the pizza box on the kitchen island, grab a plate and put a slice on it. I glance at Alexander as I motion the pizza in invitation, “You want some? It’s pepperoni and mushrooms? I ask politely. “I can’t finish it all by myself anyway.” I continue.

  He nods, and I got another plate and put a slice of pizza on it. I opened the fridge and offer him a soda for a drink. He takes a Coke and I sit at the table I have in my kitchen; it's not big but it's large enough for me.

  We eat in comfortable silence, as I wonder what he came at her place for.

  After we finished eating, I carried our plates to the sink and look at back at him with all the agog to hear what he came to say.

  Uncomfortable with my glance, he clears his throat before he calls me.

  "Miss Stewart? I came to inform you that I'll be taking over for my father at the office," he says in a low voice. It was not a surprise for m
e for I know it will eventually happen, but the next words he utter is the one which I didn’t saw coming. "I also came to talk to you about your job.” He paused for a second before he tries to continue,“I already have a personal assistant, Miss Stewart so your service is no longer needed. I'm very sorry, but I'm going to have to let you go, though I don't want this to happen after everything you've done for our family, but I really have no choice." he tells me bluntly. "I'll give you an excellent review though, so it shouldn't take you very long to find other work. I'm very sorry again." He says as I stood up and went out from the house. I didn’t notice how long was it he was gone. I just sit there stunned as if the Earth stops moving and forgot how to rotate to its axis.“How can he do this to me? Not even John did this to me! I'm very good at what I do, and he hadno right to fire me just because he's taking over.” I mumble angrily. I chuck out the trash as if it’s all at fault, and went up all the way to my room and locked up. I weakly throw myself on my bed and starting to cry silently.7

  How funny my life is as how fast it transformed in just one day after getting this dream job, it also did changed my lifein less than a week? Just a week ago, I had a good job, a healthy boss, and no pounding headache or stitches to contend with.1

  I laydown helplessly as I curl myself into the bed. I sob myself to sleep feeling worthless. And I hate that Alexander Steele for doing this to me!


  The next week on my life seems like hell. I tried sending out my résumés hoping to get a job in the same position I'd been doing but the sky seems to be not on my side. With no hope left, I desperately opened the web portal and decided to apply for the secretarial position.

  My brother Marcusdidn’t bother to visit me since he that night he dropped me off from the hospital---not that I expected him to, and my best friend Alexajust gets back from her vacation. She'd already ring me, and I hesitate at first try but later agreed to go out for a drink tonight. I seem to forget I no longer have a work to worry about now. And I stop taking pain pills for my head.

  I still have some of my savings to use to, and I had my inheritance money that I hadn’t got a chance to spend yet, so I wasn't short for money. I just hated feeling impotent and not doing anything.

  Margaret and John had tried to call me, and left voicemails and emails, trying to get in touch since Alexander's visit, but I’ve been too hurt to reply.

  They both knew how much this job meant to me and still they didn't do anything to stop Alexander from doing what he just did.

  I started to get ready for tonight’s affair. I take a shower and once out, I wrap a towel tightly around while I search my huge closet for a suitable outfit.

  Finding a white and purple dress at the back that I’d forgot to wear for long, I slip it on along with some black heels. I grab my brush straightener and started combing my long blonde hair perfectly. I applied a small amount of powder, adding eyeliner around my azure eyes hoping to make them pop out.

  Grabbing a small clutch bag, where I put some cash, my I.D. and a few other things, I am now ready to go. I went over to meet Alexa at the club. I wasn't planning on getting too drunk, but I plan to leave my car parked at the club, and take a taxi home later.

  I saw Alexa immediately as I parked the car, she’s standing at the entrance while chit-chatting to the bouncer. She was wearing a figure hugging red dress that compliments to her voluptuous shape and matched it with red shoes. Being a feisty red head having a pretty face, she always had loads of admirers, I always felt like plain Jane around her, but didn't mind much.

  Getting out and walking over, she sees me, and her mouth open comically.

  "Gosh Arianna, you look ravishing, you’ve never dress this way before, why the sudden change?" She exclaims in full disbelief.

  "For a change," I tell her shrugging. "How was it?" I ask her and do a quick spin.

  "If I wasn't sure I’m straight, babe, I’ll surely buy that," she replies straight faced causing me to stare open-mouthed at her vulgar remarks.

  "Alexa!”I say feeling red.

  She shrugs and grabs my hand, pulls me along the line towards the bouncer. He smirks at us both, and winks at me as we pass, quickly letting us in.

  Upon entering, I lend beside and let my eyes roam around. I felt relax like never before and it felt amazing.Alexa throws me careful gaze as if assessing a dress she wants to buy. I hand her a shot and she takes it.

  "So? Tell me what exactly happened while I was away?" her curious eyes are now fixed to me. "I saw you on the cover of loads of tabloids after the whole Steele thing. I heard you got hurt too, you okay?"

  "Yeah I'm fine, he's okay too. I got fired though." I shout angrily.

  She stares at me completely puzzled.

  "John's son, Alexander took over the company and fired me," I explained bitterly. "He didn't need me anymore so here I am, getting drunk and trying to drown my sorrows. Wanna join me?" I sounded pathetic.

  She hugs me as a way of reply. I was in dazed by the unexpected reaction from her.

  "I'm sorry to hear this, Arianna. Do you want me to ask Mr. Grayson? See if he can do anything?" She asks, and I nod in response.

  She's been working for Mr. Grayson for over five years now, and she never tires to repeat how much she loves her job and always goes around telling how hot is her boss and how much she wants to 'jump his bones'.

  Downing our shots and ordering a large whiskey, I down it and feels the familiar heat to my throat all the way to my stomach.

  "Come on Arianna, let's dance," she shoutedfor me to hear her as the music goes louder. She leads me towards the dance floor.

  I follow her, and soon we're both laughing and having fun dancing together as if it’ll be our last.

  The rest of the night was spent drinking, and dancing our time away. Few men had come up and asked me to dance, but I'd just politely refuse. Alexa on the other hand was currently trying to snog a poor man's brains out.

  Feeling lightheaded, I made my way back to the bar and order a bottle of water to somewhat cure my tipsiness. After drinking half, I check my phone for the time. It's a little after twelve, so the night is still young. I see Alexa waving her phone, and then I get a text. It says she's leaving with the man she met, and tells me to call a cab when I go, and to be safe.

  Sighing and feeling lonely, I head towards the exit hoping to find a cab; I saw a taxi rank across the street before we went in so I knew I'd be fine.

  As I glide myself away from the crowd, a woman accidentally shove me to the side as I trip into someone.

  "Sorry!" I shout loudly over the music, only to scowl in anger when I discovered the person I’ve been sorry. Alexander and a few other men all turn to me. I look straight to him as he gave me an uneasy look.

  "Bastard!" I spit angrily at him, and turned my head away.

  I frown as I was marching to the taxi rankand found no single soul in there. Wondering if it’s okay to drive myself or not.

  "Arianna? Miss Stewart, wait?" I hear him calls behind me.

  He's approaching me together with a man I'd never met, but who’s incredibly attractive.

  "What now, Mr. Steele? Want to destroy my life some more, huh?" I ask sharply.

  He stops in front of me, and frowns.

  "Look, I'm sorry okay? I know it’s not the right way to treat you after what you’ve done, but I had no better option than this. I am really sorry." He replies sounding sincere.

  "Apology not accepted. Now, you may leave the hell outta here!" I shouted in angry tone.

  He roughly runs his hands through his hair looking helpless but I just narrowed my eyes at him when he did not move an inch. His friends continue to amusedly watch over us.

  "She’s the girl you dumped, man? What did you do to her?" His friend curiously interrupted.

  I glare sharply at him that if only my eyes were made of laser beam he must be long dead. He finally backs down as I continue glaring at him.

  "No, we didn't date at all. I'm the girl who saved his
father's life, getting myself hurt in the process. Then this asshole here, without even blinking an eye, fires me when he takes over his father's company, and expects me to be cool about it. Fuck you, Mr. Steele!" I scream at him, storming off towards my car.

  I open the car and roughly hop in and sit in the driver’s seat feeling shattered and defeated. How does he expect me to just forgive him? I’ve been devoted to my job, and have working so close with John felt like having a Dad back again, I know it wasn't the real thing, but it still comforted me in a way. Now I had nothing.


  I was stop by my deep thought upon hearing a gentle knock on my window. I jump and look up to see Alexander’s friend stood there looking at me.

  "I'm sorry for the rude act earlier. I am not aware who you were. Do you perhaps need a ride home? You obviously can't drive?" He asks me politely.

  Surprise by his generosity, I just nod and hand him my keys. He smiles at me but didn’t accept it.

  "No, we'll take my car," He replies. "Can you get yours tomorrow? I'm going home after I drop you off." He explains to me.

  "Oh okay, yeah that will do fine. Thank you." I reply quietly.

  I grab my clutch and the leather jacket I'd left in the car, went out and locked it up and silently followed him to his car at the other side of the lot.

  He walks over and stopped right to a really luxurious black car and unlocks it. He opens the door for me to get in, and I thank him and hop in quickly. He gets in and we set off.

  "So where’s your place?" He asks me.

  "437 Hudson View," I reply quickly.

  He nods, and starts driving in the right direction.

  "So you saved John? That must’ve been very scary, caraand how exactly bad you hurt?" He asks in full curiosity.

  "Yeah, I saved him. He suddenly stopped breathing so I did CPR until he breathed again," I reply tiredly. "It actually wasn't that scary. I got hurt while I was trying to catch him as he collapsed, he was in his bathroom when I realized he needed help, he collapsed and I banged my head on the toilet as we fell." I shrug tiredly.