Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 13

  Mel had turned into an all-out bridezilla. She works efficiently in sorted out everything for me. She keeps on ringing me to ask for my opinion and approval if there’s something she decides on. Xavier wasn't bothered with the planning at all, he just told me to have it anyway I wanted. His only request was for me to turn up and walked down the aisle to him.

  I'd chosen purple and white as my wedding colors, and Mel and Amanda; my bridesmaids found their dresses soon after. They were absolutely gorgeous too. A floor-length and sleeveless dress, had a band of white under the bust, and the rest was a beautiful royal purple color which suited Mel and Amanda perfectly, both being brunettes.

  I'd ordered a little tux for Angelo, an exact replica of Xavier's and he looked truly adorable in it.

  It took me forever to find myself a dress. I wanted a white one, and found it two weeks ago. It was also strapless, slightly clinched at the waist, and has a small silver flower design around my waist. From my waist down I had layers that flared out, I loved it as soon as I tried it on.

  Mel had tears in her eyes when I'd come out in it to show her, and just nodded at me for the first time from the time I came to meet her, I witness Mel speechless!

  Everyone had flown here for the wedding and they’re staying here at the house too. Claire and Daniel had flown here yesterday, Marcus wasn't here, Claire informed me that they'd split up. She was 4 months pregnant and looked radiant. Daniel had grown loads since the last time I’d seen him, at 9 he was too tall for his age, and looked a lot like my dad. He adored Angelo already, playing and spending time with my little dude most of today.

  Xavier's Aunt and Uncle had come too. I was nervous to meet them, but got comfortable around them after a while because they were really friendly and warm.

  I roll over to the side of my bed, trying to stop my brain from running a thousand miles an hour, I tried to relax and sleep for I do not wish to look like a zombie for tomorrow of all days.

  My last thought as I fell to sleep, was that I hoped everything would go as planned tomorrow, I couldn't wait to be Mrs. Xavier Grayson.


  I woke up the next morning with Mel and Amanda’s over-excited squeal while jumping to my bed energetically.

  "Guys, get out!" I tell them groggily.

  They just ignore me and continue bouncing. I groan as I get up and stumble to the bathroom still half asleep.

  Coming back out I see that it's 8am, and time for me to start getting prepared. The wedding's at noon, so we don't have too long.

  After eating a light breakfast, I'm ushered back to my room where my makeup artist and hairdresser are waiting already for me.

  I spend an hour getting pampered, and I was impressed with their work as I look the reflection on the mirror.

  By 10:30am Mel, Amanda and I all get our nails done.

  When it's time to go get dressed, they head back to their own rooms, and leave me in peace for a little while. I can hear Claire and Maria; Xavier's Aunt cooing at Angelo through the baby monitor and smile.

  Once I have my dress on and zipped up, I put my heels on and take a breath in relief. This is really is it!

  Mel and Amanda soon come back in, and we all complimented each other.

  Feeling tense, we make our way downstairs where the others are waiting.

  Maria and Victor burst out how pretty I am, and praise their nephew on his choice of bride, making me blush.

  All the others set off to the church in the limos that Xavier had hired. I'm driving with Carlos, whom I'd also asked to walk me down the aisle and give me away. He'd spun me happily around the kitchen after telling me "yes" and everyone had watched amused, as Carlos walked around on cloud nine for the last few weeks.

  At fifty, Carlos had never married, and the only family he had left was on his younger brother's side. He felt honored that I’d asked him, though I am feeling happier when he said yes to me.

  Driving on the way to the church, I was shaking with nerves.

  "You okay, Aria?" Carlos asks me gently.

  I nod, unable to utter a word.

  When we get to the church I see Mel and Amanda waiting for me, their smiles were so wide.

  "You okay, Aria?" Mel asks sounding concerned.

  I took a deep breath before getting my bouquet from Amanda. I take a sniff of the beautiful white and purple roses, and nod. "I'm good."

  I hear the wedding march start up, and Mel and Amanda go out first. I wait a minute, and then Carlos takes my hand tightly holding me steady.

  "Ready?" He asks gently.

  "I'm ready. Don't let me fall on my face, please?" I ask him, nervously staring down at the shoes Mel had persuaded me to buy.

  "Never." He replies firmly.

  We start tomove forward, and soon we were inside the church, and facing the huge crowd of guests; most of whom I’m not familiar with.

  Once I see Xavier standing up there in his suit, my nervousness fades away and a wide bright smile spread across my face.

  Xavier looks stunned, but returns my smile. Amanda and Mel are already stood to one side of the altar at my side. Looking at Xavier's side, I creased my forehead as I came to see Xander standing there beside Andre, but hides it quickly.

  Reaching Xavier, Carlos places my hand into his, then goes and takes a seat beside Maria and Victor, and my family.

  The wedding doesn't last very long, and once we complete our vows, and exchange rings, the priest pronounces us Man and Wife without a hitch.

  The whole church roars and claps loudly, and Xavier grabs me, giving me a deep kiss.

  I can't keep the smile from my face for the rest of the day. I get congratulated by loads of unknown people, but thank them graciously anyway.

  We have our first dance and cut the cake together; we then all sit and have a meal.

  The day goes along fantastic. Around 5pm, Mel ushers me away to go change, ready for when me and Xavier leave.

  I change obediently feeling awful. I and Xavier were going away on honeymoon for a week, leaving Angelo in Mel’s care and I am still hesitant to do so thinking I’ll be away for too long.

  Mel gives me a comforting hug before assuring me my baby’s safety.

  "I promise to Skype you every day and to really take good care of him, he'll be fine Aria, I promise." She tries to assure me.

  I know that Mel will take good care of him, so I'm not sure where all this anxiety coming from.

  When I'm changed into my going away dress, I meet Xavier at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me still in his suit, grinning widely.

  "Ready, Mrs. Grayson?" He asks happily.

  "I'm ready, Mr. Grayson." I reply smiling at him softly.

  I kiss him hard, and hesitated to release him, when someone clears their throat behind us.

  Turning, I see Victor and Maria stood holding my baby boy.

  I rushed forward and took him in my arms, I kiss his little face over and over. Xavier hugs and kisses his forehead.1

  After passing him back, I feel the tears threaten to start; I immediately pull Xavier's hand and lead him outside before I forget that entire honeymoon thingy and get back to my little boy.

  Everyone had come out to see us off, and started hurling us both with confetti and rice making me squeal loudly, and causing everyone to laugh.

  We make it to the car and see someone had written "Just Got Married" on the back, and attached cans to the bumper.

  Driving away, I wave at everyone, and blow a kiss to Mel and Amanda as we pass.

  We drive all the way to the airport and board a private jet; that Xavier just bought recently.

  He’s still keeping our destination a secret, but as long as we're together I don't really care wherever we go.

  Once we're settled into the jet, we are served champagne and a light meal, before we retire to our private bedroom, and Xavier shows me exactly what joining the mile high club means.


  Waking up the next morning I see Xavier leaning over me smiling. I
smile at him in return, and grab him, kissing him eagerly.

  He steps back smirking at me, and shakes his head.

  "No miamoglie, it's time to wake up. We've arrived." He tells me happily.

  Jumping up, I rush towards the windows to look outside, only to be stopped by Xavier.

  "Shower and dress first, hmm?" He tells me grinning.

  Looking down confused, I blush as I realize I was about to flash everyone outside.

  Nodding, I go into the adjourning bathroom and take a quick shower. Step out and grab a towel back into the bedroom.

  I got some panties and a bra and slip them on. I put on a white shorts; a white strap top with a green butterfly on the front. Mint green off-shoulder top andmatchedit with sunglasses, shoes and bag. Pulling everything on, I am relieved I personally pack my suit for this holiday.

  Meeting Xavier outside, he's sitting comfortably while having breakfast and talking to the pilot.

  Seeing me he motions to the opposite seat, where breakfast has been served for me too.

  I sit and eagerly devour everything, feeling starved. Once I'm done, I look up to see the pilot and Xavier both grinning at me.

  Blushing brightly, I stick my tongue out at Xavier and get up to leave.

  Xavier soon follows after me, and we exit the plane together.

  Looking around as we get off, I see that he's brought me to Italy, Venice to be exact.

  "Wow!" I breathe, completely awed.

  "I'm glad you like it,miamoglie. Let's go explore. Our bags will be taken care of." He tells me happily, and grabs my hand pulling me towards a black Porsche parked near the plane.

  "This is yours too?" I ask stupidly, as he unlocks it and holds the door open for me.

  "Yestesoro just one of many." He replies frivolously.

  We get in and he starts the car and drive all the way to the heart of the city. I can’t believe how beautiful it is here. Anywhere I set my eyes on, everything just ooze with elegance and history.

  Xavier stops at a parking lot in the center, and we get out spending the rest of the day walking around and exploring.

  At 6pm, we stop at a restaurant for our dinner then head back to the car.

  Driving to the hotel, I realize how tired I am and decided to rest my eyes for a few minutes, the jet lag finally catching up to me.

  The next thing I'm aware of is Xavier carrying me gently from the car. I protest trying to get up. He kisses me on the forehead, and tells me to go back to sleep.

  I hear him whisper "I love you" as I fall asleep and smile, mumbling it back.


  We spent the rest of our time wandering around and getting to every corner of Venice. We bought loads of gifts and souvenirs for everyone, we go through all the shops we passed by and we just have fun and go crazy together.

  Xavier opens the topic about his parents Giovanni and Rosa, and how much they'd loved it living here. He'd grown up here in Italy, in Milan, with Xander and Melinda, but had moved to the US at seventeen after his parents’ deaths. Mel and Xander continued to stay here in Italy, not until Xavier got his business up and running all by himself.

  I was in total awe of him, when he told me how hard he'd worked to get where he was now. It had taken him less than two years to become a millionaire, and five years to become a billionaire. Now at 26, he was making billions, and hasn't let the money get to his head either. I was so proud of the man I'd married. I don’t believe in overnight success, thus I know he had hard times when going through it, my only regret is meeting him earlier before but I’m glad I still meet him.

  When the day came to return back home I didn't want to leave, but needed to see my baby boy. Mel had kept her promise, and we'd Skyped every evening, and I saw how Angelo was doing.

  On the Jet on the way home I felt sick, and figured it must have been something I ate while in Italy.3

  We arrived back in the US at 9am on the dot, and we were both exhausted. Not having to worry over our luggage because Xavier had thought ahead, and had someone come collect it for us instead, so we drove straight home.

  The house was quiet when we arrived, and Mel had left us a note informing us she'd taken Angelo to feed the ducks at a local pond with Andre, so we could get some sleep. Amanda was at work, so no worries from her.

  We collapsed into bed, and fell into a deep exhausted sleep.

  I woke up feeling a lot better than I had. I check the clock and was surprised to see it was only 2 in the afternoon. Xavier was still sleeping, and looked so peaceful.

  Hearing noises downstairs, I figured Mel and Angelo were back.

  I got up and took a shower, got cleaned then went out and dressed into some black leggings and a sports bra, tying my hair into a bun. I padded barefoot downstairs to see where my baby boy was.

  Everyone was in the kitchen when I found them. Angelo was eating some banana and strawberry chunks happily in his high chair. Mel and Carlos were sitting and talking to Xander of all people, and I instantly scowled.

  Ignoring them I headed over to Angelo, and kissed him on his forehead.

  "Hey baby, did you miss Momma?" I ask him.

  He happily babbles loudly and smiles, showing me the strawberry he just chewed and his two bottom teeth cheekily.

  "I missed you too." I tell him laughing.

  Carlos hugs me, and I return it happily.

  "How was Italy? You look good in tan. You must’ve enjoyed it, don’t you?" He asks me.1

  "Yeah, I had a really good time."

  Mel gets up and jumps on me. I catch her just barely, and laugh at her.

  "Did you bring me a gift?" Is the first thing she asks me.

  Then it became the constant parody for the next hour or so.

  Carlos brings me a tuna salad sub sandwich, and some fruit to eat as she chatters away.

  Xander stays quiet, and doesn't say anything to me at all. I glare hatefully at him every time he catches my eye.

  Xavier comes down around 4:30pm and looks well rested. He comes straight to me, and kisses me hungrily.

  "I missed you when I woke up. Why didn't you wake me?" He asks, as he kisses his way down my neck, much to my embarrassment.

  "Er, Xavier? We have company." I tell him breathlessly.

  He tenses up, before turning to Mel and Carlos, who were studiously ignoring us both. Angelo was still happily playing away with his food, and hadn't noticed. Xander however was watching us closely, and I didn't like it one bit.

  "Xander? Why are you here?" Xavier asks both surprised and angry.

  "I have to stay with you while out on bail, I don't have much choice." He mopes, making me want to smash his annoying face in.1

  "Okay. When's your hearing?" Xavier asks him annoyed too.

  Carlos hands him two sandwiches and a beer, and I motion to Carlos open-mouthed as if to say "where's my beer".

  Carlos raises his eyebrows too, and crosses his arms.

  "You can't drink, Aria." He tells me firmly. I don't hear Xander's answer, and they both stop talking and stare at me and Carlos.

  Gaping at him I wonder why the hell not.

  "You've just got back off your honeymoon, Aria. Did either of you use protection while over there?" He asks seriously, sounding just like my Father.

  I choke on the apple slice I'd been eating, and Xavier coughs while drinking his beer.

  We both look at each other with wide eyes, and I blush so brightly I fear I may pass out.

  "Oh my God Carlos, please don't bring things like our sex life up at the table." I mumble to him mortified.

  Mel and Xavier both laugh loudly and look at me weirdly.

  "What?" I ask annoyed.

  "Do you think you could be? You know, pregnant again?" Mel asks me gently.

  I shrug in response, unsure.

  Angelo just finished eating and I clean him up and put him in his door bouncer. He happily bounces up and down, babbling loudly to us all.

  I smile watching him, and can't help but feel grateful that I
have him.

  Turning back to the table, I see Mel's already left for her date she'd told me about earlier they’d been together with Brad for three months now.

  Xavier and Xander are both sitting side-by-side with each other, and it's still freaky seeing them together.

  Going to the fridge I grab a can of Coke and some celery sticks, and sit back at the table to eat them.

  "Do you think Carlos could be right about you being pregnant again?" Xavier asks me carefully. "Do you feel anything?"

  "I don't know, maybe." I shrug. "Do you even want another baby yet?" I ask him quickly.

  He nods and grins, and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

  "I'd love a little girl next, but another boy would be just as good." Xavier tells me smiling softly. "Just imagine, a little Arianna running around here after Angelo." He muses happily.

  "Okay, hold your horses, I don't know yet and won't for another few weeks. Don't get your hopes up." I tell him honestly.

  He nods and grins anyway.

  Xander has stayed quiet through our conversation, and I wonder why he's still sitting there.

  We all leave the kitchen and head into the lounge. I take a hold on sleepy Angelo carefully not to wake him up and just continue to hold him close, taking in his natural baby smell that I've missed so much.

  Xanderand Xavier watch a film, while I sit and read a book on my phone, annoyed at Xander’s presence. Finding a new one I liked, that sounded interesting. I bought Fifty Shades Of Grey, and got comfortable.4

  Later that evening after I'd put Angelo in the bath and to bed. I relaxed in the bath with Xavier afterwards. We both sulked in to our huge tub.

  He held me in his arms and we listened to his iPod playing, just winding down, and spending quality time together.

  We clean and explore each other while in there, and getting out became a chore as my legs were still like jelly from the orgasm I'd just had.

  Once out and dried off, I grab one of Xavier's shirts, and button it up to sleep in. Xavier puts on some boxers, and I set the baby monitor beside the bed, to listen out for Angelo. We get into bed and I crawl into his side.