Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance. Read online

Page 10

  I tried speaking the name for a couple of times in my head as I put so much thought if the name would fit him. After a while, I gave Xavier a grateful smile.

  "Yes, it's perfect," I tell Xavier happily. "Our little Angelo." I reply kissing him gently on his little forehead.


  Doctor Green comes back to check on me at 6am. She takes Angelo away down to the nursery. I was alarmed by the idea of him being of out of my sight, but she assures me he's perfectly safe there.

  Xavier helps me up off the bed, and I go take a much needed bath. I spend an hour in there just getting clean, and trying to relax a little.

  Xavier knocks, startling me out of my daze, and I look up to see him with my clothes and some towels in his hands.

  "Thank you." I say smiling tiredly at him.

  He shuts the door behind him, and comes to sit beside me on the toilet lid.

  I rinse myself off and wrapped the towel around me. I stand up but make a face upon doing so as it pains me. Xavier was quick in his help, thankfully.

  The stitches I got right after I bore Angelo didn't hurt at first but now they throbbed painfully every time I moved my legs.

  Xavier helps me out of the bath, grabs another towel and wraps one around my hair, and gently dries me with the other.

  Once I'm dried, he helps me step into some knickers and a sports bra. Passing me some black leggings and a tank top, I pull them on and sit carefully on the toilet lid just like Xavier had, feeling completely exhausted.

  I hadn't slept at all after Angelo's birth, and the fatigue was quickly setting in.

  "Come on,mio amore, you need to sleep. I'll take care of our bambino while you take your rest. He's perfectly fine with me. Now come on." His soothing voice relaxes me for a while and thenheeds immediately back to my bed as he instructed.

  The sheets have been changed, and the bed is laid flat all ready for me.

  Xavier sits me down, and grabs the towel off my head. Taking my hair dryer from my bag, he plugs it in and attempts to dry my hair for me. I leave him to it since I’m too tired to really care about my hair right now. All I wanted to do was move to my bed and never get up for a day or two.

  Sadly I don’t have the luxury to do that since I had Angelo to feed and look after, so just a few hours will be good.

  Once he'd finished, he handed me a hair tie, and I pull it up into a messy pony tail, sloppily.

  Laying down and getting under the covers, Xavier pecks me on the lips and leaves me to sleep.

  I wake up and wonder how I’ve been asleep. I weakly tried to sit myself up and frown as I lookat the thing being attached to me. A breast pump was being attached to me.

  I scan around and found Angelo’s cot next to the bed with him sleeping peacefully in it.Xavier isn't in the room but I see Mel curled up asleep in the chair in the corner.

  I get up cautiously not to make a single sound and make my way to the toilet to take care of business. Once done, I climb back onto the bed and grab my phone to text Xavier asking where he is.

  He replies instantly, telling me he's on his way back to the hospital after dropping Carlos home. I ask him to stop at a McDonalds for me and narrate the list of foods I wanna eat. He just sends me a winky face in reply?

  I lean over Angelo's cot, and just stare at him. I'm so in love with this little boy so much already it scares me. He's my whole world now.1

  I hear a knock and look up as Doctor Green comes in smiling.

  "Afternoon, Arianna, how are you feeling?" She asks quietly.

  "Sore.Extremely sore. How long will be my bleeding lasts?" I ask uncomfortable.

  "Just around two to three weeks. It will settle down eventually. Your stitches will dissolve for around 9 days. I've done all the check-ups needed for Angelo while you’re asleep, all the results came back good, so there's nothing to worry about with his health at all," she tells me happily. "You though might have to stay a little longer than originally planned, because your blood pressure hasn't leveled out normally yet, so I need to keep an eye on you. Let me know if you start feeling dizzy or have black spots in your vision, okay?" She asks firmly.

  "I'll make sure of it Doctor." Xavier replies for me, as he comes in behind Doctor Green, carrying the food I'd asked for.

  She raises an eyebrow at the food, but shakes her head, and smirks at me.2

  "Good. Enjoy your food, Arianna." She says before leaving.

  Xavier takes some food from the bag, and places it beside Mel who's already holding a spoon and seems ready to attack. Passing me the rest, I whole-heartedly dig in, moaning at how good it tastes.

  While I'd been pregnant with Angelo, I couldn't eat McDonalds without getting nauseous. Now’s the time to repay all those lost chances.

  Mel gets up and digs into her food too, Xavier goes over and picks Angelo up when he starts fussing and immediately finished my eating to hold him in my hands eagerly.

  He has been changed into a sky blue baby grow, and white mittens, and he looks adorable.

  His eyes are open again and seems to be looking around; even though I've read in baby books that babies can't focus just yet, it was still damn cute to watch.

  He starts fussing more, and I lift my shirt and sports bra up, latching him on quickly.

  Once I've fed and winded him, he goes back to sleep, and I hold him so close and dear, not wanting to put him down just yet.

  Mel takes loads of photos and I motion Xavier closer, wanting one of all three of us together.

  Once I see that Mel seems to have gotten enough, I put Angelo back into the crib, and he settles immediately, without fussing.

  Mel stays with us but leaves at 6pm as visiting hours are said to be over by that time. Xavier gets to stay until 9pm because he's my partner, but even he has to go home eventually.1

  Once they've gone, I get Angelo settled, and lay down to get some sleep too, still exhausted.

  Watching Angelo breathe, as I fall to sleep is the best thing ever.


  The next three months passed by too quickly I hardly noticed. I can’t believe how Angelo got so big now, growing into such a happy, smiley baby.

  He's absolutely spoilt to death with all the attention he's been getting.

  Mel and Amanda are both extremely and uncritically fond of him beyond reason, they both keeps buying him new toys.

  Xavier's not even different from the two, if he happens to go for business trips he always comes home with something for Angelo.

  While the bond between us gets stronger as time immortalizes it.

  People had been threatening us that having a baby may bring joy but it also gives a lot of stress for the couple. Might be the reason why break ups happens after just a few months most of the times. Thankfully we didn't seem to be just like any other couples or maybe it's because we have a lot of people around us that are willing to help us out.

  Jade and Alexa tried to make a scene the day after Angelo was born, accusing Xavier of spending the whole night with her at her hotel room.

  But it’s not too difficult to take off that prideful smile on her face. Xavier and I issued a press release, informing everyone I'd gone into labour that night, and that Xavier had been beside me when our son entered the world as a counterattack to her offense. The media went wild with questions about Angelo, and through that interview alone we started receiving donations for Angelo.

  I found this incredibly strange. Xavier's a millionaire, and yet people are sending us things as if we can't afford it.

  With Xavier’s approval, we came to decide to donate most of it to the local hospital and women's shelters in the area. The only thing we kept were the toys he'd become attached to, and a few items of clothing I liked.

  I'd started back working when Angelo was five weeks older. Xavier was in desperate need of a PA after firing the Alexa, so I took over the role willingly, and started to get back into really quick even after being away so long from the job. Perhaps this is what I really love doing.

/>   Xavier didn't want me to do it, until I'd threatened to apply at other companies instead. I worried about leaving Angelo with Mel or Amanda; who'd come to stay after the birth, and hadn't gone back home yet; not that we minded.

  So Xavier had set up a nursery adjacent to my office and I brought Angelo to work three, out of five of the days I worked at the office. If Xavier needed anything over the weekend, I just did it from his study room at home.

  We hadn't heard anything from Alexa or Jade for weeks now, since they got caught out lying last time. I was wary about it, though Xavier keeps telling me not to worry, but still did.

  Today there will be an important meeting scheduled in less than an hour, I'd already prepared everything that Xavier needs, and put some refreshments and snacks which I personally picked up from the store at the conference room.

  I'd left Angelo at home this morning knowing I'll be having a rushed day with everything else.

  At 9:45, I knocked on Xavier's door to inform him he now needed to get down to the conference room to meet his clients.

  He complied quickly, and while the meeting was going on, I spent my time sorting the important paperwork away into the right places.

  The meeting was still going strong and didn’t seem to mind it’s already lunch time, so ring the local subway we used regularly and ordered a large sandwich platter, with thirty coffees, and once they delivered it, I had them set it all up at the large table across from the conference room.

  Going over to where Xavier and the rest of them were, I took a deep breath, before interrupting.

  "Xavier? Can I borrow you for a minute?" I ask him quickly.

  He looks tired, and is frowning when I enter, but upon hearing me he turns around and gives me a huge and bright smile, making me almost forget the reason why I interrupted.

  "Of course, mio amore, gentlemen, meet my lovely girlfriend, and PA, she's the mother of my son, Angelo." He announced proudly. "Arianna, these are my most trusted people here at Grayson LTD, now what is it you need?" He asks me, smiling at how I'm fighting not to feel nervous now that all their attention shifted to me.

  "It's just passed lunch so I've ordered subs and coffee, and they're in the next room, waiting for you all. This meeting seems to take forever, so why won’t take a break, go eat and then come back in here again and hash the deal out with a clear head, okay?" I tell him seriously.

  He just nods and smiles at me, standing up, he motions for everyone else to do the same.

  "Come on, you heard her, she got us food, so let's go take a little break, I just realize I’m starving." Pecking me on the cheek as he goes out the door, I wait for everyone to go out of the room, before leaning against the wall for support; my legs seems to lose all the strength.

  Being the centre of attention like that is one of the reasons I haven't aspired to be more than a PA.

  I quickly clean around and open the windows before leaving the conference room and head back to my office where I eat the sandwich I’d stolen from the platter.

  For the rest of the day, I got busy taking calls, and arranging meetings with Xavier's clients.

  At 5pm I packed my things up, ready to get home to my baby boy.

  Xavier's meeting is finally over and I find him in his office, staring out at the New York view.

  "You ready to go home, mio amore?" He asks me.

  "Yes, I'm missing our boy, and can't wait to see him." I reply smiling softly.

  Xavier walks over to me and pulls me against him, holding me in enough tight.

  "I love you, mio amore. You and our bambino are what matters to me now, do you know that?" He asks me sounding serious.

  "I know." I assure him. "Now what's wrong?" I ask concerned at his change in mood.

  "Nothing mio amore, just tired. Come on, let's go to our boy." He lets me go and goes over to his desk to grab his brief case.

  As we walk out, he grabs my hand firmly and gently pressed them, I looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back and pull my hands to his lips and gently gives a peck on it. I wish the parking area was a little bit farther.

  We soon reached his black Ferrari which I thought was majorly over the top. I hop in and he unexpectedly kisses me, leaving me breathless. He then drove the car away while his one hand is holding mine.

  It’s nearly 6pm when we finally arrived home. Carlos informed us as soon as we get through the kitchen dinner will be served in half an hour. I thank him before leaving Xavier and Carlos behind to go find my baby.

  I found Angelo in company with Mel. He’s laid on his bag with a toy above him while Mel is snapping away photos of him.

  She stops as she noticed me coming.

  I hurriedly come over to my boy and pick him up, hold him close and sniff his addicting scent.

  I hear a shutter and look up to see Mel taking photos of us. I smiled as I tried to strike a pose with Angelo. She took another snap and motions a thumbs-up to us.

  "Has he been okay? Did he have all his bottles that I left?" I ask her.

  "He’s been absolutely fine, Aria. He had four bottles since you left this morning and a bit of water this afternoon. He had a nap this morning but not this afternoon like you asked. I've been entertaining him with his toys instead." She says as if she’s having a detailed financial report presentation that concerns the stability of a particular company.

  I smiled at the thought of it and I nod in thanks to Mel as I carry Angelo up to our room to find Xavier. I found him getting changed in his closet. He’s wearing nothing but his boxers and I can’t help but stare at like a lion eyeing its prey.

  It’s been a long while since the last time I remembered making out with him I didn’t initiate to do it thinking it may hurt after, so he’d been fine waiting until I was ready. And now, I realized how much I hate waiting. I just wanted to jump to his bones right now!

  He seemed to notice the look on my eyes as he curls his lips up.

  The magical spell which seems to bound between then was disappointingly perished as soon as Angelo started cooing away to himself in my arms. Grinning teasingly at him, I walked over and give him a light kiss.

  "Mio amore, you'll be the death of me. The look in your eyes just now, drives me wild." He murmurs against my neck, as he kisses along it.

  Hitching Angelo up higher on my waist, I hesitantly step back.

  "Tonight." I whisper to him, and he jerks his eyes to mine surprised.

  "Are you sure, tesoro? I can wait until you’re absolutely sure? Cold showers are but a daily routine around you." He replies hoarsely.

  I blush brightly at his words, making him chuckle pleased.

  "Seeing that I can still make you blush mio amore, means the world to me. If you’re really ready to do it tonight, then I’ll look forward to it." He replies huskily, making me shiver.

  I watch as he turns, and grabs a pair of sweat pants, and a top, and pulls them on.

  Once he's dressed, he takes Angelo from me so I can change too.

  I get some short shorts on and a sports bra because it was hot outside. I head back out into the bedroom.

  Xavier was lying at the bed with Angelo beside him. Smiling widely at them both, I walk closer, only to find them both asleep.

  My smiles widen and I grab my phone from my bag, took a quick photo wanting to capture this memory.

  Picking Angelo up gently, I place him into the crib we have set up in there. I walked to the bed and wake Xavier up gently. He startles awake, jumping up panicked and looking around him desperately.2

  "Where is he? Where's Angelo?" He asks frantically.

  I point to him fast asleep in his crib, and Xavier relaxes instantly.

  "God, that scared me. I remember laying him next to me, and then you waking me. Mio dio!? That scared me."

  "He's fine. You look so cute sleeping together. Come on, I've set the monitors up. Let's go eat. You'll need to save up your energy for later." I reply cheekily, leaving him mouth-opened behind me as I walk out the door.

  I w
ent straight to the kitchen where I see Mel and Amanda already sitting at the table, we have visitors tonight and I frown in confusion. Nobody mentioned it to me.

  "Xander, Andre, it's good to see you both. Xavier will be down in a minute." I reply and take a seat near the windows.

  If I'd have known Xander was coming, I would have dressed properly.1

  Xavier comes into the room smiling but it fades right away as soon as he spottedXander.

  "Xander, I didn't know you were in town." Xavier asks him sounding unhappy.

  He takes a seat beside me, and Carlos serves a dish of spaghetti with meatballs, and it looks and smells delicious.

  "Wow Carlos, this looks fantastic." I praise him happily.

  "Thanks, Aria." He says grateful.

  Once we're all served, Carlos motions to leave, until I clear my throat annoyed.

  "Carlos? Sit down and eat with the family please?" I tell him firmly, leaving him with no room for argument.

  Xavier chuckles beside me, and I raise an eyebrow at him to see what's funny.

  He motions to his lips, and pretends to zip them making me smirk.

  "Nothing,tesoro, nothing at all. Carlos come join us, you know she won’t stop until you do." Xavier tells him.

  Carlos nods, and I watch as he retrieves his plate off the counter, and sits in between Xavier and Xander.

  When we've all finished, I help Carlos clear out the table. He tries to protest, but I just disregard him.

  Xavier is still conversing withXander, and Andre. Looking at Xavier and Xander sitting next to each other is extremely strange. They look nearly identical and the only difference they had is Xavier’s more muscular physique, and Xander’s small scar on his upper left eyebrow.

  Amanda and Mel decided to go out and are already changing into their ootn. They had invited me to come along too, but I just didn't feel up to it.

  I left the kitchen and head upstairs to check on Angelo. I see him still fast asleep in his crib, and smile down at him. He's so perfect.

  Sensing Xavier’s arms wrapped around my waist, I immediately tilt back and relax in his arms.