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Bossy Ceo.: A Billionaire, Baby Fever Romance.

  Bossy Ceo

  A Secret Baby, Billionaire Romance


  Anya palvin

  © Anya palvin 2017. All rights reserved.

  Working at one of nation's finest corporations as Mr Steele’s personal assistant, The owner and CEO of Steele industries is great. I enjoy my job I appreciate the benefits, and most of all I enjoy the proximity to the alpha god that is my boss.

  But who knew that just one day could change my life? And probably not for the better either!? Being f**ked over after I'd done so much, left me feeling bitter, but what if it leads to something better than my wildest dreams?

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4.

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 8.

  Chapter 9.

  Chapter 10.

  Chapter 11.

  Chapter 12.

  Chapter 13.

  Chapter 14.

  Chapter 15.

  Chapter 16.

  Chapter 17.

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.

  Chapter 20.

  Chapter 21.

  Chapter 22.

  Chapter 23.

  Chapter 24.

  Chapter 25.

  Chapter 26.

  Chapter 27.

  Chapter 28.

  Chapter 29.

  Chapter 30.

  Chapter 31.

  Chapter 32.

  Chapter 33.

  Chapter 34.

  Chapter 35.

  Chapter 36.

  Chapter 37.

  Free Bonus; A Billionaire Romance


  I’ve been Mr. Steele’s personal assistant for four years now. I’d landed this incredible job right after I graduated college. I loved doing this job; sure it was difficult and required a lot of my time and effort, but it was all worth it.

  Having to work with Mr. Steele or John as how he’d like me to call him outside work has its perks---and one has to travel a lot.

  His wife Margaret who also flies with us was such a charming woman and I really liked her.

  I reside at my own two-bedroom house that my parents left for me after they passed away six years ago.

  After they’d passed away from a sudden car accident when I was eighteen, I’d relocated here. I could no longer stand being in the same house afterwards. My older brother Marcus inherited a large property in Miami where he now resides, we both couldn’t come into the decision on what to do with our family homein Seattle, so we just hire a caretaker to upkeep the place for us.

  I haven’t had the chance to get back there after what had happened, but Marcus and his wife Claire, and their son Daniel go there occasionally.

  After landing this job right after college, I couldn’t wish for anything more. I’d learned to reconcile with the memory of losing my parents, even though I did still miss them. I finally feel like I could move forward with my life.

  Everything had finally back to its original place, and I couldn’t contain my happiness.


  My day-to-day routine starts at getting up every morning at six a.m. I used to detest the idea of it---and being weary is not sexy. But my body slowly adapted and succumbed to it.

  After getting a shower and get dress in my usual black pencil skirt and black blouse matched with my black kitten heels which I am very fond of, I hold my long blonde hair up and twisted it and wrapped it up into a bun.

  My best friend Alexa never tires to express her dissatisfaction at how I dressed up like agrande dame at work, and had persuaded me one Saturday to go look up for a new wardrobe to wear.

  To her despair, it was left all inside my closet with the tags still on. I am comfortable with the clothes I wear to work, so why bother for a change?

  Arriving at the office at exactly seven o’clock, I strode into Mr. Steele’s office, and put a coffee on his desk ready for him. I’d usually stopped on the way here to get my quotidian dose of liquid gold, and felt loads better.

  My eyes wander around Mr. Steele’s office I wondered why he wasn’t around yet, he usually texts or email me if he’s going to be running late. We have an important meeting agenda which will began at half eight, and I ponder if he had forgotten.

  Before I went out, I noticed some folders on the floor by his desk and pick them up before heading out.

  I went to my office just next to his, turned on my computer to see if he happened to contact me.

  Not obtaining anything, I send a few emails, and did some quick urgent phone calls before heading to the boardroom to prepare it up for Mr. Salvador’s meeting.

  The clock strokes at eight with still no word from Mr. Steele and I started to get anxious. Where can he be? After contacting his cell and having no response from him, I phoned Margaret.

  She seems bewildered by my call, but guarantees that John went off at the same time he usually sets off and even added that he called her from his office phone over an hour ago, complaining that someone had spilt coffee on him as he had entered the premises.

  I got a sudden unexplainable ill feeling upon hearing it, and told Margaret I’ll call her back.

  Immediately I grabbed my bag to attend the meeting. I decided to stop by at his office once more to check his attendance.

  Discovering it still unoccupied, I went to the bathroom and gently bang the door. Not getting any response, I went over to leave, only to get stop by the sudden sound of groan of pain.

  Harshly pushing the door open, I squeal, shocked at what I witness.

  Mr. Steele is grasping his chest while leaning against the sinks and looking awful. He’s obviously enduring a great pain.

  I rushed towards him and grab my phone to call for help, they promise to send someone right away.

  “Sir? Oh God! Are you alright? I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner, sir I thought you were running late until I called your wife. What happened? Is there anything I can do?” I worriedly plead.

  "Water?" He asks in frail voice.

  Promptly getting an unopened bottle from my bag, I open it and give it to him, assisting him to drink.

  “C-call Margaret? I need to talk to her?” he weakly begs.

  I dial her number, and with no time wasted handed it to him.

  I tried not to pay attention on their conversation, but Margaret’s sobbing and broken voice on the other end wasn’t able to escape from my ear. He then returned the phone back to me, and I place it on the floor beside me as I glance him try to stand up.

  "NO! John, please don’t do it yet, just stay there the ambulance will get here in any minute." I worriedly exclaimed. "John? JOHN!" I scream as I looked him able to stand but a frailty and unstable stood, then flump.

  I rush towards him, trying to hold him around his waist to catch him before his fall, but happen to hit my head hard on the edge of the toilet as I do.

  Gently putting him down, I realized he's no longer breathing and I look at him in full terror.

  "Oh damn John, dammit! Please don't do this to me. Breathe c’mon! Breathe, John! I shouted at him in a dreadful voice.

  Not getting a response, I desperately grab him and give him CPR; I tried in despair to get him to breathe again. I'm no longer sure how long I’ve been doing and repeating it before the paramedics came and took over in my place, I was literally not moving as I hear John take in a great gasp of air, and I nearly sagged on the floor in great relief.

  "Miss? Are you okay? You’re bleeding. Are you hurt badly? The paramedic asks gently. Let us take over now;you’ve done a great j
ob in bringing him back, we need to carry him now into the ambulance.

  "No, I’m alright. It's just a scratch, please see John instead," I said in shaky voice. "He suddenly stopped breathing and I started to give him CPR, but I was so scared. He'll be okay, won't he?" I continued to ask now with broken voice.

  The paramedic said no word but nods, and went over to give his partner an immediate help. I seem not to be able to move my feet and stood there as I watch the emergency medical personnel do their job, I turned my head as I hear a soft sob and look around for the noise, I turned pale and feel like my blood left my body when I realized my cell phone is still connected on a call. Hearing Margaret on the other end, I came to conclude she heard everything.

  "Margaret? Can you manage tosee us at the hospital?" I questioned with a soft voice.

  "Y-yes. We're on our way. My son’s driving me right now. Can you go with him Arianna, please?" She begs me through sobs.

  "Yes, of course, Margaret. See you there." I reply, before I ended the call.

  I swiftly place everything into my bag including John's jacket and went after them as they lay him onto the stretcher, and wheel him out of the building and into the ambulance.

  We set off to the hospital with sirens causing loud noise, as I hold John's staggering hand feeling completely helpless.


  Margaret and her son is first to arrive at the hospital and met us by the main doors. We watched helplessly as he's quickly wheeled off.

  A Doctor stopped and informed us they were taking him straight into surgery, and led us to a private waiting room. Witnessing all these, Margaret couldn’t contain her emotion and collapsed sobbing, I supportively held her as she fell to pieces.

  I noticed her son was looking at me intently, and I just turned away and ignored him, he left soon after he’s done talking with someone on the phone; and I genuinely prayed what he did was to inform the rest of the family; Margaret needed all the support she could get right now.

  It was a long and exhausting day; Margaret finally fell to sleep after pouring her heart out. Her son, who still hadn't introduced himself, sat working away on his laptop.

  I felt so terrible, exhausted and weak. I wasn't sure why, but maybe because it was a long day for everyone.

  After another hour of waiting the doorslammed open, revealing a woman and two men stormed into and had woken up Margaret.

  Upon seeing me they all seem to be taken aback, and then glared at me. I wonder what the hell had I done to receive such rude looks?

  "What the hell she’s doing here? She's not part of the family. Leave!" One of the men who just came in yelled loudly at me that it almost broke my eardrum.2

  Before I could get the chance to get up to gather up my grace shattered by his rude demeanor, the door reopened and the Doctor came inside smiling.

  "Family of Mr. Steele?" He asked tiredly.

  Margaret nodded, and he smiled gently at her.

  "He's going to be okay you no longer have to worry," He assures her." He was touch and go when he came in, but the surgery sorted that. He's actually awake now and been asking for his family. If he’d not got here so soon, he would have died, but he was exceptionally blessed. The paramedic informed me that Mr. Steele's assistant's quick response to the situation and performed CPR immediately saved his life. Well done, Miss." He says smiling at me.

  I nod weakly at him in response, and he frowns at me.

  He walks closer to me and grabs my wrist and seems to be taking my pulse, I watch him with feeble eyes feeling too numb to move.

  "Miss? Miss, are you alright? Shit! she's in shock, someone grab a crash cart!" I hear him scream.

  I'm soon felt upheaved and moved. I groan in response to my head moving.

  "Where's all this blood come from? No one informed us she was hurt, too!" I heard him demand angrily.

  I see the worried faces of the Doctor, and Margaret before everything goes black


  The next thing I'm aware of is the heavy pounding in my head, and that I'm laid on an uncomfortable bed with the bright beam of lights making me to unable to see.

  Trying to sit up, I leaned back lamely. I feel like I've been hit hard by a Mack truck. Groaning, I slowly attempted again only to fail. I look around.

  Crap! I'm in hospital! I just stupidly pointed out the obvious.

  I checked myself over and I noticed something infused directly to my vein and grimace at the sight of I.V. attached on me. I hate needles. I also painfully realize I have a catheter too, and get up slowly towards the bathroom.

  After removing it, along with the I.V., I stare at myself in the mirror and gape. Damn! I look terribly awful!

  I slowly walk back into my room and search for the clothes I was wearing before this thing happened and grumble not finding them. Good thing there seems someone who’s concern about my well-being and brought me some clothes from my house. I opened the small bag and found some sweat pants.

  Seeing that they'd been thoughtful enough to bring toiletries too, I hurriedly get up from the bed and leave the room in search for a shower; I'd definitely feel better after I got myself washed.

  Luckily I found one quickly, I immediately went up and lock the door behind me and started to tidy up. I can feel the pain of stitches on the back of my head, and decide to leave my hair alone for now. Tying it up loosely with a bobble I find, I strip and get into the shower.

  Once convinced that I'm clean enough, I went out and get dressed.

  Gratefully whoever got me the clothes brought undies, too. Dress up in sweats, tank top and my comfy converse---which I haven't worn in years. I make my way slowly back to my room.

  As soon as I entered the room, I came to witness the chaos happening inside. The Doctor and nurse are both arguing loudly, Margaret is crying, while her son is just sitting in the corner while watching everything.

  "Uhm? Hello, what are you doing?" I almost yelled; feeling annoyed but then made a face as I feel my head hurt terribly. "Can you all shut up? My head’s pounding right now." I begged at the top of my voice.

  They all turn to me and freeze. I don’t know which one did stop them----my sudden loud interruption or the fact that my head is hurting like there’s no tomorrow? The doctor comes rushing to me and grabs me and lead me back to bed.

  "Miss Stewart, get back into bed. You haven’t fully recovered yet for you to go around like that. You scared us all, we thought you'd left." He scolds me in angry tone.

  "I am fine aside from the headache. I can manage to get through that with painkillers, I just wanted have a shower. Didn't anyone think to try to find me in the bathrooms around my room?" I irked.

  No one answered but they all just give me a stare I cannot comprehend, and I groan and sit myself onto the bed.

  The nurse then instantly went over to me and checks my temperature and blood pressure. She smiles at me as she informs the Doctor that they are all normal.

  "Don't like needles, huh?" She asks me quietly.

  I uncontrollably tremble and shake my head, and she shakes hers back at me clearly annoyed.

  "Miss Stewart, at the scale of one to ten, how much does it your head still hurt?" He asks demanding a careful consideration.

  "Around six, like I said I'll be fine after a few pain pills," I reply annoyed. "I've experience quite a number of headaches before and may I say I’ve grown out of it?"

  "Miss Stewart, you are not fine, you’ve been unconscious for five days now and this isn't just your regular headache." He replies obviously as equally annoyed with me.

  "Wow five days, what a record." I reply honestly. "Anyway, when can I leave?"1

  He shakes his head in disbelief, and leans over me parting my hair to see my stitches.

  "Tomorrow. I'm hoping you didn't get your stitches wet when you showered?" He asks.

  "Nope, all dry." I reply amused at how easy it is to annoy him.3

  "Good, Nurse Jenkins will now be in charge of you. Stay in bed and rest so you can lea
ve after our rounds in the morning. Did I make myself clear?" He demands firmly.1

  "Yep." I reply trying to sound truthful.

  He gives me a purely sceptical look, and as soon as he left I stand up and turn to Margaret.

  "Margaret? How is he?" I ask nervously. "He's alive, right?"

  "He's okay. We've been so worried about you Arianna, your brother Marcus, even flew here. John’s worried too. He saw the CCTV from his office and saw how you were injured. Why didn't you tell anyone?" She demands angrily.

  "Uhm, I forgot." I reply sheepishly.3

  "How do you just "forget" you're bleeding?" She asks bewildered.

  "I was more engrossed on getting John a help rather than myself," I replied quickly. "It didn't hurt after I'd done it anyway, otherwise I won’t forget." I reply, shrugging.

  She just shakes her head and hugs me tightly. The nurse hands me two pills while I'm distracted, and I eye them critically.

  "Will these make me sleep?" I questioned. "I don't want to go back to sleep just yet, I'm feeling fine."

  She glared at me and I immediately know the answer. I grab the pills and carelessly tossed them into the bin, ignoring her protests.2

  "Can we go see John now? And maybe the cafeteria too, I'm starving?" I ask Margaret.

  She hesitated for a second, but gives in and nods at me smiling.

  "Sure, let me help you though," She says holding my arm gently.

  "Miss Stewart? The Doctor told you to rest and do not leave!" The nurse says to me annoyed. "Please stay in here, and I'll bring you something to eat instead?"

  "Nope, I'm good. Thanks anyway, I'll be back later," I repliedat her at the most polite tone I could possibly make as I made my exit from the room. "I'll make sure to sit while I'm seeing John."1

  We slowly made our way up to John's floor, and found myself to be already drained from all the positive energy I seemed to earn while I was taking a shower earlier. Why didn’t they tell me being unconscious left you so tired?